Thursday, August 30, 2012

Messing With Stuff

Just going to be messing around with some stuff here, folks.

Some of it will be from the cam on my phone so I can learn how all that works. Some of it will be me screwing around with my laptop so I can reacquaint myself with how some of that works now that I've got wi-fi in my apartment. Might as well use it for more than just occasional surfing on my phone, right?

And some of it was going to be seeing how my parents' scanner works, but it looks like it doesn't. Oh well. I've still got my own to use, and I really need to get back to that.

Plus, there's the assload of scrap paper I've got around that I want to make use of somehow. Crappy excuse, I know, but it works for me.

So anyway, there's stuff coming down the line from me, folks. Just thought I'd give a little fair warning.

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