Thursday, June 27, 2019

Final Fantasy This Morning: June 27, 2019

It's been awhile since I've done one of these.

About time, too, since I've got some gaming stuff to talk about outside of the Text Plays I'm doing right now.

The big one is that I'm actually considering getting a Nintendo Switch on account of a collection title that's already out on digital and still in pre-order for physical media as of this writing. In this case, it's called Collection of Mana. If I get it, I'm sure at least one of the included games will be entirely new to me because it's never been released in the West before. That one would be Trials of Mana, which looks like an interesting title in the series. Another one is Secret of Mana, which is one my brother recommended and talked me into buying when it first came out over here, and I'm doing a Text Play of now. The last one, and the first listed in the trailer is Final Fantasy Adventure. I bought myself a Game Boy when I was in high school, with the intent of getting into the Final Fantasy Adventure series. I sort of recall having rented at least one game in the series at the time, but that's been twenty-some years ago now. Things were changing in my life at that time, since I was getting ready for college at the time, and nothing came of it beyond renting it that one time.

I think I might be able to get a Switch second-hand by now, but I'm going to have to act quickly if I want the physical media version of the collection, and I'm not sure if I've got the cash on hand for that. I'm still debating what I want to do with this, really.

Speaking of debates, when I started playing FF9 again, I had considered starting Final Fantasy 7 instead, just to change things up a bit. After giving it a little thought, I decided to stick it out with 9, for at least a little longer, anyway. The plan is that I'll actually manage to finish it this time, just so I can have finished a title in the series more recent than FF6.

I'd like to finish all three games I'm working on right now. I've certainly had enough shots at these games, all things considered. I've actually made it farther in Final Fantasy 2 than I have in 9, relatively speaking. I'm very near the end of that one in another playthrough.

I'll be getting back to all of that soon enough, of course. New issues should be coming soon, or at least that's the plan. I might have another FFT post in the pipe soon, too, but that will come later, because I have some things to work out beforehand there, too.

See you soon, folks!

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