Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Already An Update: January 13, 2021

I had hoped to have more than just one Text Play up by now, but we're barely two weeks into the new year, and it's already been a year unto itself.

So, here we are, I guess. Like I said before the jump, we're barely two weeks into this and it already feels like the year should be almost over by now. The main reason for that is pretty much an elephant in the room in the form of that mostly failed and three-quarter-assed coup-slash-insurrection thing we had go down exactly a week ago as of the day this is going up. It's a good example of why I usually make a hell of an effort to avoid talking about things like this here. See, I really can't say as that I'm surprised that something like this has happened, given how the last four years, especially, have gone. In spite of that, I really don't like that it's happened. Regardless of the politics of it, by pretty much every measure I'm aware of, Biden has won the presidency, and yet we still have Trump and quite a lot of his supporters acting like children and taking every opportunity to throw tantrums because they don't like that their turn in the playhouse is over and somebody else gets a turn now. As tiresome as all that has been, there are a few other things have been slowing me down, too.

The stress of all this has made it hard to concentrate on quite a lot of things recently, which, naturally, interferes with both playing games and writing about them, but also writing about stuff in general, and making the YouTube videos I've got in mind. Further making things worse is that all this stress and stuff is likely affecting my physical health, too. I'm sure it's a contributing factor to my having what seems to be a rash of some sort on my right leg. I won't say too much about it because it's unpleasant and I don't want to carry on more than I need to about something I don't have any real answers right now.

Another contributing factor is that thanks to some wild weather we've had lately, I wound up finding a couple patches of ice the hard way and dinged myself up as a result. The first time did a number on my left leg, which made getting through work rough for the better part of a week after. The second time, I took a tumble in the parking lot at my local Best Buy. The worst of that was a scraped up elbow. I'd like to take a moment to thank the nice woman who helped me up and made sure I got into the store OK. That was really nice of her. Makes me think we're maybe not so bad as a society after all.

With that in mind, there are a few good things to mention here, too. With all the stress and injuries I've had lately, the good news is that I had a doctor appointment coming up soon anyway, so it won't be too long before I have some of this stuff looked at by somebody who knows what they're talking about, and maybe get somewhere with recovery.

On the entertainment front, I've gotten to work on more video game stuff. As per something I mention briefly in the FF2 Origins post I started before I sat down to write this, it turns out I didn't actually save over any of my other games when I made a second save file for the Chronicles FF4 playthrough I've got going as well now. I was worried about that because, as I'm sure I'll mention when I do my wrapup for that game, and may have already, is that they retained quite a lot of the original game in this port. It's equal parts good and bad, really. I like it for nostalgia's sake, among other reasons, but it's also frustrating because there are things that are unclear and inconvenient, if nothing else. I'll get more to that when I do the wrapup, though, which is still a ways out.

Probably the most pleasant thing this update is that thanks to my remembering that my folks are generously sharing their Netflix account with me, I can finally get around to watching at least one show I've heard quite a lot about in my attempts to avoid the news online. There's this anime called Beastars that I've heard good things about. From what I can tell, it's a romance story of some sort, based on a manga or light novel or something from Japan. I knew a few things going in, but I've only seen the first episode so far. There's been what looks to be a murder and we've met several of the main characters. It seems interesting so far and I'm looking forward to seeing more, but like I said, I've only seen the first episode so far, so anything could happen going forward.

Anyway, this is kind of where we are right now, both good and bad. Hopefully, the good things will continue and the bad things will resolve and/or get better going forward. I do prefer being optimistic about things, but as always, we'll have to see how things go. See you soon, folks.

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