Saturday, May 8, 2021

The Old Continuity

It's something I probably shouldn't be too concerned about, since I'm talking about my old MST3K fan series.

It's something I really haven't done much with in a good fifteen years, anyway. Most of the people who might have known or cared have probably forgotten by now. Even I've forgotten quite a lot of the details.

I'm trying to get past the idea that it's somehow important, really. It's a different world now. Things have changed, and I'm hoping mostly for the better.

When I first started doing this whole Mystery Science Theater thing, the show it was based on had been cancelled for a couple years, presumably for good. Now it's on for a second revival, with multiple hosts in multiple theaters, which is actually a pretty cool idea. Better yet, if I understand correctly, series creator Joel Hogson himself will be in at least one of them. As cool as that is, and nothing against Joel, Jonah, or whoever the new host is going to be, I'm more a Mike fan in that regard.

As for continity in MST goes, they only did it seriously in one season that I'm aware of before dropping it, which is fine. That's a line of thinking I should apply to my own take on the concept.

What does that mean for what I do in the genre? Well, some characters from the old, “classic” stuff are likely to show up alongside some newer stuff that I think will fit “in universe”.

New work won't be as common as it was back in the day, in part because I've got grown-up responsibilities now, and partly because I can't find new material to work with as easily as I used to. Naturally, those two things are at last somewhat related.

I've also got other projects I want to get finished, some of which might lead to content that my fellow MST3K fan authors could potentially use, as I know some of them are still around and making new content, too.

So, as always, more stuff to come. Hope to see you soon.

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