Friday, July 30, 2021

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

In The Queue: July, 2021

I'm going to try to remember the first part of that title for when I want to talk about what I've got planned for the blog here.

Saturday, July 3, 2021

MiSTing: DigiDefenters Episode 4, Part 3

Here we are, the third and final part of this one. It's mostly host segments, but that's kind of how it fell. I may have mentioned a time or two in the course of these that I tend to put the host segments in at what seem like natural breaks in the story. I bring that up again here because that's also kind of how I decided where to put the breaks between parts here, too. Kind of made for a lot of host segments in this one, but I think that may be for the best. Most of the previous part was fight scene, and a lot of this one is as well.

It also has a bit of a weak ending, but I can't say my part is all that great, either. Between these and the “standard” fiction I've written, I know firsthand how hard it can be to make good endings for these things. All in all, though, it's a good character episode for the Eli character.

With that in mind, let's finish this off, shall we?

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