Friday, July 23, 2021

My Favorite Local Sit-Down Place

In this case, it's not my computer.

Gonna say right off the bat that I wrote this far later at night than I should have. The last piece was the same way, and this came after that.

After I got that written and set to auto-post, I found myself wanting to go get pancakes at my favorite local sit-down eating joint, a place called Fryn' Pan. They actually have quite a lot of good stuff on the menu, especially their burgers and breakfast stuff. There's three locations where I live, including one right close to where I work. I might have gone there after my shift if I hadn't had other plans.

I'm more familiar with the one that's north and a little east of there because that's the one my family always went to when I was a kid. I still have lots of good memories of looking out at the bank sign and talking with family while there over the years.

Even if I can't make it there in the near future, it's one of those things I might have to do at some point, just to keep morale up while I'm working on other stuff. Might even write about it.

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