So here's another unintentional ten-day stretch with no posts.
It's hardly been for lack of ideas, or even time, really. I've got plenty to work with, and I've almost certainly got the time to do something with it, if I just get myself together and actually do it.
Thing is, I just haven't been in what one might call a good headspace for it. There's been quite a lot of IRL stuff going on lately. I'd say it's only been a couple weeks, but it's really been since the middle of October. A lot of it's been related to my day job. That's going to take a little backstory, so here's a nutshell version.
I've been working a foodservice job for a little more than 20 years now, and starting in late August or September, there was talk of the location I'd worked at for most of that time being shut down in mid or late December, which would have been right about the time this post went up initially. By then, I'd already been working 9-plus hour days, six days a week for a good six weeks, anyway. For most of October, the handful of us that were still at that original location were still thinking the plan was still the late December closing date.
And then the last few days of October came. Turns out the people who bought the franchise I work for a couple years back had decided that the closing date was actually going to be the 28th or 29th of October instead. That put us on the spot, and didn't really help an already stressful situation. The good news, though, is that all but one of us, far as I know, still had our old jobs when that was over, and the one that gave it up after that was going to do so soon anyway, as I understand. I may be speaking a little soon here, but I'm pretty sure the other half dozen or so of us are still with the company, just at the other two locations in the city I live in.
As a result of dealing with all of that for as long as it took to get to where I am now had and has not left me in a very good headspace for doing the things I would really like to be doing with my off-work time. I'm really behind on my gaming and other writing projects, which I really feel kind of bad about. There's folks around, mostly online, that I kind of need to catch up with as well, and I just haven't been in much of a spot lately to aragne my time in such a way to make that happen.
The good news is that things are starting to shape up in a way that I might actually be able to get some of it sorted. Things are getting back to something like a better routine again, so I'm hoping I'll be able to get to a better place with my time management again.
So, looking forward, I've got a few things in mind for when I really do get things sorted. I'm still planning on actually finishing Final Fantasy 9, at least, and maybe even Final Fantasy 2. I've been working on those, and especially 9, for far longer than I had ever intended. I'm still not ready to commit to much of a timeline just yet. For now, I'm gonna go with first half of 2022 on that.
I've also got the coffee I got on my trip to the Hills back in September that I want to do a video for as well. I know I've been sitting on that for a couple months already, so I'm hoping I'll get to that soon. Maybe not before the end of the year, but I'm hoping by the end of January on that. Besides that, I've also got two or three other JM Tries videos to do as well. Again, I might not get them done by the end of the year, but I'm hoping by the end of January or middle of February.
So, that's more or less where I am right now. I've got a few things I still need to get sorted out before I can get back to a place that's kind of like where I want to be. I'm still feeling lost and adrift after the last few months of stress and goings on and all. But at least there's starting to be reason to think things might be on something of an upswing right now, too. Things might actually be getting better in the near term. I like that there seems to be reason for a little optimisim for a change, even if it is only for a brief moment.
Anyway, I'll see you soon with something, I hope.
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