Thursday, May 5, 2022

A Little Health News

This is probably an ill-advised post, but I'm going to go ahead anyway.

I had a doctor's appointment the on the day, and the news was about what I had expected, which is both good and bad for a lot of the same reasons. Good because I knew going in that in spite of what the year has brought so far, things are not substantially worse. Bad because they aren't really any better, either, and I have only myself to blame for that. The plus side here is that I at least have some idea as to how to change that. The hard part will be actually making that happen.

One problematic thing here is that I now know for sure that one of the more major complications involved is a hernia. I'll spare the details, but it's something I've suspected for quite awhile and have been fairly sure of since the start of the year. It's made getting decent amounts of exercise difficult, and unfortunately, I'm the kind of guy who tends to stuff his face more than he should when I find myself sitting more than I intend to as well.

My doctor says it's something I'll need surgery for. I'm really not looking forward to that because it'll mean time off of work to recover and I'm really not sure how well I can afford that. I know there are options to help with that sort of thing, and that I should probably start looking into them. That way, I'll at least have some idea as to what they are when I need to get serious about them.

It's a tough spot, to be sure, and there are ways through it. I'd still rather not be in it. Since this is a developing story, there will be updates coming as I get more information and process my thoughts.

Until then, I'm going to end this with a little attempt at humor and say that there are now two Weird Al parodies that fit my situation better than they should. The first is kind of an obvious one for people who know me in person. Unfortunately, I'm sure it's a major contributor to the second.

At any rate, as I said, updates to come. See you soon, folks.

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