Saturday, January 21, 2023

MiSTing: Digimon: Digidefenders: Episode 6, Part One

Editor's Note: These endcaps were written in July of 2022, when I had intended to have these come out in July and August of last year. While that didn't happen for various reasons, what is said in them still applies. --JMS

So this is probably not the best followup to the previous episode in this series, either in terms of the main feature or the retrospective for it. There's really not much to say about this one. It's short enough that I'll be doing this in two parts rather than three.

This is also a farily middle of the road entry in the series. The story itself features another one of the kids getting their solo adventure. The host segments and jokes are pretty much what would be standard for what would be my own solo work on these. I'll try to say more about this at the very end of this episode in a week or two, but we're at a point where there's only three, maybe four episode of this left, and it's starting to show that it was coming up on time to stop.

Anyway, I'd better just get to this so you can see what I mean.

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Title: Digimon: Digidefenders: Episode 6: I Want to Fly/Airdramon Appears

Original Author: Phantom 1

MiSTing Author: Jesse Shearer

Category: Anime

Era: None/Nonstandard

[Lobby. JESSE is at the snack counter, filling a cup with pop. He is still dressed as Red Green]

JESSE: I don't know why I'm still dressed like this. Leomon and Renamon should be well on their way back to Japan with the rest of the bunch...

[TAKATO and GUILMON enter and approach the snack counter]

JESSE:[upon seeing his guests] I thought you guys had already left for home.

TAKATO: We missed the plane.

GUILMON: Takato overslept.

TAKATO: Guilmon!

GUILMON: Well, you did...

JESSE: So, any idea how you're gonna get back?

TAKATO: Not yet.

JESSE: Well, I think I can get my hands on a laptop with a wireless Internet connection. There's gotta be a good flight.

GUILMON: I hope so. I'm getting tired of the bread here.

JESSE: I've gotta go get it. I'll be right back, guys. [leaves for a few minutes]

[comertial: JMST3K: Digimon: Digidefenders: The Box Set! Coming to a .zip file near you sometime in the yet-to-be-determined future!]

[Lobby. There is a laptop connected to a video projector on the snack counter.]

JESSE: OK, bring up

TAKATO: They've got good rates.

JESSE: Yep. Here looks like a good one. Three hundred for a ticket to Odiaba Airport with a layover in San Fran. Leaves next week.

GUILMON: Do they have peanut butter there?

TAKATO: I don't see why not.

JESSE: I think I can scrape together the money for the ticket.

TAKATO: Thanks. I'll have my parents wire you the money when we get home.

JESSE: Well, if you really think that's necessary...

[The image on the wall goes white and Digidefender Mari LeChon shoots out of the video projector.]

MARI: I'm *here* again? I hope this isn't all for nothing.

TAKATO: Who is *she*?

MARI: I'm Mari LeChon, Digidefender. Who are you, gogglehead?

TAKATO: I'm Takato Matsuki and this is Guilmon, my Digimon.

JESSE: Nice to see you again, Mari. What in the wacky name of Shatnerness are you doing here?

MARI: The Commander sent me to check out entertainment opportunities here. She could have sent somebody else!

TAKATO: Well, there's plenty here.

MARI: I mean *other* than stinky movie theaters.

TAKATO: There's other things, too!

JESSE: Hey, now! Before things get *too* hot, I *do* have another Digidefenders film to show. And I think it's about somebody *both* of you could get along with.

TAKATO: Really? Which one would that be?

MARI: Yeah, who?

JESSE:[snaps fingers a few times] Um, what was her name? The kid from Australia... [points towards MARI] Ashley Hillard.

MARI: Oh, her. She's kinda quiet.

TAKATO: Yeah, I don't think she's actually been in one since she was introduced.

MARI: Let's see what happens, then.

[All enter theater. JESSE is towards center of row, then TAKATO, MARI and GUILMON]

>Digimon: Digidefenders



>Episode 6: I Want To Fly/Airdramon Appears

JESSE:[singing to tune of "Magic Carpet Ride" by Steppenwolf] I want to fly and Airdramon appears.


>Ashley Hillard galloped through the Australian Outback on her horse, Puka. A little >penguin-type creature sitting in front of her. They were chasing a lizard monster.




>Name: Chameleonmon

JESSE: *Spark* Chameleonmon?

TAKATO: No, that would be Megaman X.

>Level: Armored

>Type: Reptile Digimon

>Attribute: Virus

>Attack: Tongue whip, Heat Eye


>Ashley: Chameleonmon can change the coloring on his skin to blend in with his >surroundings.




>"Tongue Whip!" Chameleonmon lashed onto a tree and pulled himself up to a lower branch.

MARI: That won't end well.

> The penguin creature leaped off the horse and landed at the base of the >tree.




>Name: Penguinmon

>Level: Rookie

>Type: Bird Digimon

>Attribute: Vaccine

>Attack: Eternal Slapping, Slide Attack

TAKATO: Slide Attack is an exit to Eternal Summer Slapping.

MARI: Isn't Blubberboy over there the one that's supposed to make the bad jokes like that?


>Penguinmon: For those of you who don't know me, I'm Penguinmon. My Eternal Slapping >attack will slap you silly.

JESSE: If one of the Digidefenders doesn't do it first.

MARI: Just be glad I'm not sitting right next to you.




>"Stupid Bird Digimon," Chameleonmon insulted. "Let's see you try to catch me up here."


>"Hey, Penguinmon, need a boost up?" Ashley asked.


>"Yup." Ashley picked Penguinmon up and still on Puka, hoisted him onto the same branch >that Chameleonmon was on.

JESSE: Ask and thou shalt receive, huh?

GUILMON: It looks that way.


>Chameleonmon gulped and let out a meak "Help."


>"Eternal Slapping!" Penguinmon's wing was like a purple blurr as it slammed into >Chameleonmon's head. This process repeated itself several times. Finally, Chameleonmon >fell off the tree.

TAKATO: Repeated blows to the head can do that.


>Suddenly, the tree started to topple. Holding onto the trunk, Penguinmon prepared for >impact.

JESSE:[Cmndr. Riker] All hands! Brace for impact!

> The tree landed squarely on Chameleonmon and he dissolved.

MARI:[Glenda the Good Witch] You have killed the Wicked Witch of the East, Penguimon.


>Penguinmon leaped back.

JESSE: Touched himself.

GUILMON: Not that way, I hope.

> Ashley caught him.


>"Good job, Penguinmon," Ashley congratulated.


>"Thanks. But I can't take all the credit. This tree couldn't handle the action."

TAKATO: Well, at least they got some firewood out of it.


>Ashley laughed. It was a light-hearted chuckle that sounded like wind chimes.

JESSE: Unusual wind chimes.

MARI: The new wave kind.

> > She looked down at the timer function on her D-4.


>"5:00? Oh my God, I'm late for dinner."


>"Then go eat. See ya' when I see 'ya."

JESSE:[Capt. Gideon/Ashley] Later, Galen.

TAKATO: Isn't his line "Expect me when you see me"?

JESSE: Yeah, I suppose it is.

> Penguinmon transformed back >into a card which took its place inside its case around her neck. Ashley tucked the case >into her turtleneck to keep anybody from finding it out. She also covered up her D-4.




>Ashley rode Puku back to her Grandfather's farm.

MARI: Wasn't the horse's name *Puka* at the beginning of the story?

GUILMON: I don't know.

TAKATO: I missed it.

> She tied >him up in the barn and ran inside.


>"I'm home," she called to her Mother and Grandfather.


>"Ashley, where have you been?" Her mother asked. "I've had dinner ready for the past ten >minutes."

JESSE:[Ashley] It's kinda hard to get back from the Land of Oz, mom!


>"Sorry, Mom, I was out exercising Puku."

TAKATO: OK, I think we should remember that the horse's name is *Puku* now.

JESSE: We should know by the end, anyway.


>"Oh, well that's all right. Go wash up." As Ashley ran her hands underneath the water, >her Grandfather looked up from the newspaper he was reading. "Hey, Ash, I was thinking.

MARI:[Grandfather] What if there's actually something to what people say about that Digimon thing being a ripoff of that Pokemon stuff?

> Summer vacation is almost here for you, isn't it?"


>"Yes it is."


>"Well I'd like you to take charge of the flock this summer. All by yourself."


>Ashley dropped the soap bar she was using on her foot, but she ignored the throbbing of >her foot.


>"Grandfather... you always tend the sheep in the summer time. You look forward to it >every year. Why do you want to give it up to me now?"

ALL: He *doesn't*!

JESSE: Please say he doesn't!

MARI: No wonder she's always so quiet around headquarters...


>"Oh Ash," her Grandfather said using his affectionate nickname for her. "I'm getting too >old. I'd like to be sure that the flock is in good hands when I'm gone."

JESSE: Well, if he's trained his granddaughter personally, I'd think there'd be little worry of that.


>"I... I don't think I'm ready, Grandfather."


>"Of course you're ready. I haven't been taking you on those herding trips when you were a >kid just to babysit you, I was preparing you for the day where you will assume the roll of >family Sheephearder."

TAKATO: Still, I'd think the guy might want to at least *consider* a ranch hand or two first.


>Ashley didn't know how to respond to that. Luckily her mother did. "Don't worry, Ashley, >you still have time to prepare. By the end of the summer, you will be the best >Sheepherder in the Northern Territory."

JESSE:[sarcastic] Oh, yeah. Take away some of the pressure there, mom.


>Ashley's Grandfather chuckled at her daughter's comment.

MARI: Please tell me I'm not the only one who's wierded out by that comment.

GUILMON: Mabey we missed something again.



>That night, Ashley sat in front of her vanity mirror in her nightgown. She undid the >plait that she usually put her blonde hair in during the day and began brushing it out. As >she did, she thought.


>{What's wrong with me? This is what I wanted all my life. So why do I feel like I'm at >the Dentist waiting to get my teeth pulled? Come on, Ashley, get a grip.}

JESSE: You're fifteen years old and you're wondering why you're nervous about running a sheep ranch by yourself? C'mon, I'm twenty-five and I still get nervous about driving a car!


>Ashley absentmindedly scrunched up her hair as if she imagined it short, choir boy-like.


>{When I was a little girl, I always looked forward to the day my Grandfather would take me >on one of his trips. I thought they were so exciting, so adventurous. Why don't I have >that same excitement now that I did back then?}


>Ashley looked at her D-4 and card pouch which laid on the table. {Could being a >Digidefender change the way I think.

TAKATO: Gee, being responsible for the safety of the world changing the way she thinks? Who'd have thought?

MARI: Well, duh!

> That day Rick and Seadramon >battled Frigimon, that day we first became the Digidefenders, that day was more exciting >than any trip my Grandfather could've brought me on. Now that that has happened, the >whole level in which I judge life has changed, as I bet it has done with Shinji and the >others.}

JESSE: And we have our second set of candidates for the first "official pairing" of the series.

MARI: Who's the first?

JESSE: You and Nikolai.

MARI: You know, I'd never looked at it like that.


>Ashley gave her hair one more brush then climbed into bed. {Should I accept my >Grandfather's wishes or not? Oh well, too late to worry about it now. I'll decide on it >some other day. And she allowed sleep to inhabit her body, as she had for every night >since she was born.




>The next day, while Ashley was getting dressed, she reached a decision.

JESSE: She preferred cotton to wool when it came to socks.

> > She would not don her D-4 today. Today, she was Ashley Hillard, >the Sheephearder, not Ashley Hillard the Digidefender. She left her D-4 and card pouch on >her vanity table.


>Ashley stampeded down the stairs, two at a time.


>"Whoa, take it easy, Ashley," her mother said as the girl slid into her seat at the >breakfast table. "The sheep aren't going to leave without you."

MARI:[Ashley's mom] You're their ride to school.


>"Sorry, Mom," Ashley said as she dove into the pancakes laid out before her. "I'm just >eager to get out there."


>Ashley's Grandfather chuckled from his easychair. "That-a-girl, that's what I like to >see."

GUILMON: But she's dressed...

JESSE: Oh no. What have I done? I'm sorry, Takato. I didn't think he'd get like that after only one time through.


>"Take it easy, Ashley," her mother laughed as her daughter dove into her third pancake. >"I swear, you're eating like a little monster."


>Ashley paused in mid-bite. "What... what did you say?"


>"I said you're eating fast, like a little monster."


>"Right... eating." But why did Ashley tense up at the mention of the word "monster?"

MARI: Gee, you suppose it might have something to do with being a Digidefender?


>Shrugging it off, she finished off her breakfast. "Come on, Dinga." The dog let out a >happy yip as she followed her owner out.


>Ashley mounted Puka and she and Dinga set out.

JESSE: Looks like the horse's name changed.

TAKATO: So, which is it?

> The sheep were in a >field about three hundread yards from the house. There were about half-a-dozen of them so >it made things a whole lot more easier for her.

MARI: Only *six* sheep?

GUILMON: Mabey they're bigger than they look.


>Ashley on Puka and Dinga began urging the sheep north-bound. A barred fence was set up to >keep the sheep from wandering too far off course.

JESSE: Yeah. We all know how much sheep love their liquor.


>{This is great, Ashley thought as Dinga chased a straggler. {I've almost forgotten about >being a Digidefender.

JESSE: And so had we untill now.

> Maybe I should quit being a Digidefender. >I mean, there are seven others, what difference will one person make?}

TAKATO: You'd be supprised.


>Ashley looked to the sky and spotted something unusual. A piece of the sky was >becoming distorted, like a pond after a stone is thrown in it. Suddenly something >appeared in a flash of numbers. It was long and serpentine-like with two large red >wings. It swooped down like a jet and actually gobbled up one of the sheep.

JESSE: There goes a sixth of the flock, right there.

GUILMON: Not good.


>"What are you?" Ashley asked.




>Name: Airdramon

>Level: Champion

>Type: Phantom Beast Digimon

>Attribute: Vaccine

>Attack: Spinning Needle, God Tornado


>Airdramon: I am Airdramon. When it comes to aerial combat, nobody can surpass me.

MARI: Now, those are the kind of words that go great with Parmesan cheese and tomato sauce.

JESSE: Yeah, I have a feeling he'll wind up eating that statement, bigtime.




>"You're a Digimon," Ashley asked.


>"Yes, and I have chosen this to be lunch. God Tornado!" A small whirlwind kicked up, >blowing the sheep every which way but up.

JESSE:[Divine Shadow, to Airdramon] Release the cuddly things that go baa!


>Ashley picked up a stone that was lying on the ground. "Hey wormy, stay away from them." >She threw the stone and it bounced off his head.


>"Why you pitiful human. Spinning Needle." Dozens of tiny darts flew at Ashley. A couple >of them struck her shirt sleeve tearing a hole in it.

TAKATO: So, Ashley hits dead on with a non-leathal weapon, but Airdramon completely whiffs it with the Digimon equivilant of a shotgun.

JESSE: Looks that way.


>"You want me, come and get me!" She turned Puka around and started running away.


>"You can't defeat me," Airdramon said as he took off after her.



>Dinga watched as he chased her down. The dog turned and ran in the direction of her >house.

MARI:[sarcastic] Brave dog, huh?

GUILMON: Not really.


>Ashley's mother was bringing out a watering plot

JESSE: Oh, there aren't *that* many holes in the plot.

> to take care of >her flower bed when Dinga burst through the door like the hounds of hades was after her.


>"Dinga? What..." Dinga booted up to Ashley's room and grabbed her D-4 and card pouch off >her vanity table.


>Dinga burst out the door again. Ashley's Grandfather had been reading the paper.


>"What's wrong?" He asked as his daughter came in.

TAKATO:[Ashley's mom] Where did you get that newspaper, dad?

JESSE:[Ashley's mom] You've turned into an impersonation of God again, dad.


>"Don't know. Dinga just came through here, she left carrying something."


>"It's probably nothing important."


TAKATO: I suppose we'd better check to see if those plane tickets got ordered.

JESSE: Good idea.

[All exit theater]

[Lobby. The laptop and video projector are still set up, displaying an email inbox. JESSE, MARI, and TAKATO are around the laptop]

JESSE: Well, no confirmation on those tickets yet.

TAKATO: Mabey it'll get here soon.

MARI: Sometimes these things take more than fifteen minutes, guys.

TAKATO: True. So, what's it like going throuhg a dataport, Mari?

MARI: It's alot like flying. Kinda fun, really.

JESSE: It *does* sound like quite the experience.

TAKATO: Hey, here's an idea. Let's see if we can find any flying music out there that might be interesting.

MARI: Why not? You know any places we could look, Blubberboy?

JESSE: Well, we could start on the Internet Movie Database. They might have something interesting. [types for a few seconds] There we go.

MARI: What good will this do us?

TAKATO: Yeah, it looks more like a movie web site than one for music.

JESSE: Well, it's a place to start, anyway. I think it has a few links to official movie websites. Those often list links to soundtracks.

MARI: Well, what are you going to look up?

JESSE: If I remember correctly, the title of the movie was either "Kiki's Delivery Service" or "Kiki's *Flying* Delivery Service." [types in the first] Looks like a start, anyway.

MARI: No soundtrack list, though.

JESSE: Nope. But mabey if we try a metasearch engine...

TAKATO: Good idea.

JESSE:[types for a few seconds] Ah, OK. Here's a link to the distributor's website.

MARI: But it's Disney.

TAKATO: Yeah. It probably won't be of much help.

JESSE: You're probably right. And there are too many fan sites to go through.

MARI: Skip it.

JESSE: Well, I've got a couple other sites bookmarked that might help.

TAKATO: Go for it.

JESSE: Well, here's the site for Seal. Don't really know why I've got it bookmarked...

MARI: Well, hit the lyrics link and see what's there.

JESSE:[hits the link, scrolls down some] Ah, *Fly Like an Eagle*.

TAKATO: Looks like a love song.

MARI: That's not quite it.

JESSE: Well, there's a band that was popular in my college days called Sugar Ray. I think they've got a song that might work.

MARI: Show us.

JESSE: Gladly. [clicks on another bookmark and fiddles with the website for a minute] Here we go. *Fly* by Sugar Ray. This really brings back the memories.

TAKATO: Like what?

JESSE: Oh, like the time I tried to loose weight by eating nothing but baked potatoes for dinner every night.

TAKATO: Did it work?

JESSE: Not really. And neither does this song, it would seem. It looks like another love song.

MARI: This is proving too fruitless. Let's just go back to the movie.

TAKATO: Good idea.

JESSE: Yeah.

[All return to theater]

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Part of why it's taken so long to get these up here like this is that there's been stuff going on in my offline life, and this one isn't particularly memorable. Not good or bad, which makes it hard to remember. I probably read these parts again, and still had trouble coming up with much to say about them.

So, I guess I'll see you with part two of this next week or the week after.

Editor's Note: As noted above, part two of this episode may be two weeks out, as I'd only managed to get these first two endcaps written, and have forgotten the second half of the episode. A reread is peding. – JMS

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