Friday, April 7, 2023

Coulda Sworn...

I was pretty sure I did a post like this recently, but maybe not.

Coulda sworn I'd done a post about wanting to write more random stuff, just for the hell of it, in the last year, if not the last six months, but aparently not. I do remember at least doing a draft to that effect, but it looks like I never turned it into something postworthy. At least not that I can find easily, anyway, so I'll do it now.

The intent is to keep the old noggin in actual writing mode so that more of the silly ideas I come up with will actually show up in forms that others can enjoy as much as I do, with any luck. And it just might help me finally get on with finishing some of the other projects I've been saying I'm going to finish for forever now. I'm not sure how much success that'll bring. After all, I could've sworn I already made a post like this in the last few months, but aparently I either haven't, or have forgotten entirely, which makes acting on it more than a little hard.

With luck, another post in a line I'm sure I've had going for awhile might actually be effective in getting me going on these things. It'll be nice to actually get some of these things through to actual conclusions for a change. I'm sure it'll do my own state of mind some good, and I suspect that will help other folks to that end, too.

I'm tempted to tease some of what I've got planned for the near future, but it seems like the last couple times I've tried that, it hasn't gone well. Plus, I'm not entirely sure what some of it is myself yet. So until then, see you next time.

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