Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Picture Post: Old Fishing Tackle Boxes, Part Three: A Few Odds And Ends

It's taken me a while to get to this, but I've had some offline stuff going on since the last one of these I did.

As I was saying in the previous installment, I was going to have a look at some of the stuff in the blueish box in the last picture there. So here's a look at the top of that box:

I'm pretty sure I took that picture before I opened the thing up and started going through it. The only thing worth mentioning that I can see easily is the big cork in the lower left corner slot there. Aside from this next thing, and the one I'll probably end with, I'm pretty sure this stuff all came from this unit.

Another spoon kinda thing, still sealed on the card. Gotta say, it's got an interesting name, Blue Fox. All I'll say about that, aside from that the fact that it went for 89 cents at K-Mart, which should reveal how old it might be.

This bottle of eyedrops I found in there was long dried out, which probably says a lot about the viability of the other stuff like it I found along with it:

For example, these band aids:

Actual Band-Aid brand, too. Might have been from the early 1990s, but even that might be underestimating how old they really are. I remember the circular ones from when I was really young, like less than ten, so they were around in the mid 1980s. At this point, I don't think these Band-Aids will be stuck on anybody.

These Lifesavers might still be good, but given their assumed age, “might” is probably stretching it:

On the one hand, I don't have as much of a sweet tooth as some might think; on the other, I didn't wind up in the shape I'm in by not eating things that were dubious at best. And while I was setting this up, it occurred to me is that I seem to have set them up in the same order as a traffic light or the “buttons” that Joel and Mike used in classic MST3K episodes.

One thing that might still be useful is this bottle of sunscreen:

The brand on the bottle is Family Pharmacy, which might have been a store brand at K-Mart back in the day. It's something I should probably use, on account that I'm fairly light-skinned and have a family history of skin issues. Even if this stuff is still good, I might want to buy some stuff that's not potentially as old as I am.

This last thing is a little big to put in a tackle box, but it was certainly a related item:

A five-gallon bucket that used to have Wind Fresh Low Suds Laundry Detergent. Anything I say about where it came from is speculation, but I think it might have been one of my grandpa's, since he worked at a retirement home for quite a while before he retired himself, and that seems like exactly the place where one might get a bucket like that.

But I think that's going to be the end of this for now. I still have one more box to go through yet, so there's still potentially at least one more of these. I don't want to say how long that might be, but I'm hoping for soon. The number of pictures I get is no small factor in how long these things take to do.

I've also got some other things I want to get up here as well, and I'd like to get to them as well. So, I should be back with more of something before long.

See you soon.

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