Sunday, August 13, 2023

A Rough, Slow Month

I've had a hell of a time getting on with things the last couple weeks.

I'd originally typed “months” in the line above the jump, but that's not exactly accurate. I actually managed to get a decent amount of writing done in July. I had hoped to coninue that trend this month, but that's not been the case, and it's getting a little late to catch up now. As always, though, I do have ideas for going forward here.

As I was saying early on last month, I've been considering starting another game to keep myself motivated on finally finishing Final Fantasy IX after all these years. The conclusion I've come to, at least for the moment, is that I'll be going with Earthbound Beginnings, which is in the NES expantion pack slash virtual console thing I've got on my Switch.

As far as FF9 goes, I'm thinking I'll have a go at just finishing the game. I've been messing around and putting it off for far too long. I've got two save slots going for it on that memory card, so I think I'll take advantage of that, just in case I've messed something up.

There's a ton and a half of other stuff in the works, too. That's also a normal thing for me, too. I just need to get on with it. Here's to that.

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