This last month or so really hasn't gone the way I had hoped it would.
That's been as much a me problem as anything, though. I've had a hell of a time staying motivated and/or on task lately, which is at least somewhat understandable, with the health stuff I've had going on and the weather the last couple weeks, And yes, the two are at least partially related.
The what I'm pretty sure were kidney stones I was dealing with at the end of January took more out of me than I realized, and the late-season cold snap we've had going on the last week and a half or two weeks has only made some other health issues I've got a little harder to deal with as well. And all this is on top of the other ongoing stuff I've been trying to keep sorted in that department lately, too.
There are a few other things I could mention here, but I think I'll hold off on them for now. I've got a different point I'm trying to make here.
That point is that there are things I'm trying to get on with here, and I just need to get on with them instead of sitting around making posts about how I'm not. I'm back at a point where the things I was mentioning above aren't the excuses I'd like them to be and might be trying to use them as.
So what do I think I'm going to do about how slow this month has been? Well, here are a few of my ideas:
First off, I'm going to finish off that last JM Tries video I've got a thumbnail for. I've got a few more I could do, but I'll worry about those later. There's a bit more work to them than I'm ready to do just now.
On the writing front, I think I may have said something about doing a thing on one of the albums I used to listen to while writing. I'll have to take a look at what I put up around the time I remember saying that to see which one it was, but I still mean to get that done as well.
I've also got a couple pieces of fiction I think I've just about got ready to share. I know where I want to go with them, but getting there is the tricky part. Or one of the tricky parts, anyway.
I also want to try some gaming stuff again while I'm getting all this sorted. First thing I need to do there is see what still works, aside from my Switch, because I haven't touched any of my other consoles since I finished Final Fantasy 9. That might take a little time, depending on what I'm working with and how it all goes.
But that's where I'm at right now. I've got stuff to work on and out. As always, updates to come.
Until then, see you soon.
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