Monday, July 13, 2020

TEXT PLAY SIDE GAME: Final Fantasy II (Famicom 1988/PS 2003 [Origins]): Issue #022: Back to the Fynn Part II

This wasn't so hard to Fynn-ish after all...

Stupid jokes aside, though, this really could have been just one thing, had I done like I said in the last issue of FF2 and just planned better. Or I'd have done FF9, an issue of which went up yesterday. Either way, now that I've got it done, I realize that if I'd planned this better, it wouldn't have been two parts.

Part of the problem with the poor planning of last time is that I didn't realize that the guy we were supposed to talk to was Leila, who's going to come back to the party for awhile. We'll be going a few places with her, if memory serves.

I could have gone right on up to the throne room where the boss was and just kicked his ass right away, but I did the kind of dumb thing I usually do and went exploring for a bit first. I wound up having to fight some undead monsters for a Potion, which was kind of dumb. Fortunately, it was only two relatively easy ones. There was also a box with the Aura spell in it that was guarded by three Sergeants and a magic user of some flavor or another. That makes a little more sense, but unfortunately, it was for a spell I gave to Firion a couple issues back, and I think I forgot to mention that. And then I figured I may as well just stop messing around and get on with the game.

In the throne room on the top floor, there's this big dude in like a green cowl and a cape called Gottos sitting in one of the thrones. He seems truly unaware that the rebellion was even close to taking Fynn back because we seem to have caught him entirely off guard. Luckily for him, I guess, his defense is through the roof, because this fight took me awhile. I guess there's a spell I could have gotten that might have taken his defense down, but I decided against getting it in time for it to do much good. The funny thing here is that his last move was to cast a haste spell on himself. The party killed him the next round before that could do him any good.

Immediately after, Hilda and Gordon show up and tell us that Mindu's gone MIA while in search of the Ultima spell in Mysidia, and it's going to be up to us to go see if we can get his whereabouts sorted. She also tells us we're going to need a pair of masks to deal with that somehow. There's a white one in the basement of the castle. She knows the password to get at it but not where to use it. Gordon suggests we go find that Pavel guy we've run into a few times because if there's a secret way in, he knows it. Since we're really not told much about Mysidia just yet we're probably going to have to go for the thing in the castle first. I'll do that next time, though.

On my way out, I did a little more exploring and got some more spellbooks from the castle. Doom, Toad, and Mini, I think. I might use the Doom one, but Toad and Mini don't really have much use in these games, that I can tell, so I'll pass on them. But anyway, like I said, I guess I'll go talk to Pavel in the City of Fynn next time and get on with that. Until then, stay safe, have fun, keep gaming, and DFTBA.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you should buy a new console and the newest "Spyro" game. ;-)
