Friday, July 3, 2020

Night Writer

There may yet come a time when I get a chance to use that joke in a Text Play, but given the number of years I've been doing it without one, so I may as well go ahead now.

People keep asking me if I'm still doing this, and I am. It's just that I often have enough else going on with my time that I have trouble getting to it until way too late, or at least later than I'd like. I haven't posted anything recently because I've been feeling exhausted when everything else is done, which means I haven't been doing any writing.

I do have some things I really need to get on with finishing, and hopefully, I'll feel up to it soon. I've certainly been at them for long enough. I've just been either busy with other stuff or feeling too worn out to do this stuff properly. There are things like this I could pull out of my ass, sure, but even that's not particularly easy right now, either.

All that said, I am at least getting somewhere with some of it. It's still going to take a little while, but it is coming. I'm just not sure when that might be right now.

For anyone looking for other stuff to read here in the meantime, I'll put in some links to a few earlier works that I'm kind of proud of, mostly the starts of Text Play series.

The first is the Legend of Mana series, which starts here, in March 2012, and runs through very early 2013. My favorite part of that run is the Dragoon Arc, which effectively starts here. One thing that I'll say right now is that there are a lot of links in there, as well as in the other things I'll recommend here, that just don't work any more because, well, it's been eight years, and a lot has changed in that time.

There's also the very first run of Final Fantasy 4 for the Super Nintendo I did, which starts here. I'm sure one can tell that it's kind of my favorite game, considering that I'm doing a third take on the same thing right now

I'll wrap this up with a standalone post about what I had thought was a wasted Thursday night in 2011. It seems like a good one to end on because of the embedded lullabye video in it, and I really should have gone to bed well before I finished writing this.

Feel free to click around on other links, here, too. I'm sure there's some other stuff worth having a look. Thanks for the time. See you soon.

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