Saturday, August 22, 2020

TEXT PLAY SIDE GAME: Final Fantasy II (Famicom 1988/PS 2003 [Origins]): Issue #024: Maria's Island

No stranded castaways that I'm aware of here.

I probably shouldn't have left off at Fynn at the end of the last issue I did of this, but I was doing that one the same way I'm doing this one, meaning a good deal later than I probably should have.

But that's neither here nor there, I suppose. To begin with, we've gotta get to the town of Mysidia, which is pretty much straight south of Fynn and Altair, first by sea and then by land. There's the strait or sound or whatever the correct term that has to be navigated at sea and some mountain rages on land. The hard part is the land portion of that trip, on account of the monsters in the area being really strong, almost too strong for my party, really. I should have remembered that because I kind of bumbled into the area when I was looking for Kas'ion, I believe, thinking I was in the right place when I actually wasn't. I wound up running into an enemy party of three werewolves and an imp that wound up killing the party because the imp kept spamming a mid-level muddle spell on the party.

The second attempt went a little better, and I wound up getting to Mysidia. The weapons and armor there are kind of meh for this point in the game, but there are a handful of spells I decided I'd pick up for Firion. The Holy, Barrier and Shell spells will come in handy going forward. It's just too bad that I'm going to have to put the time into getting them up to decent levels, which is likely to take a while.

The wizzards there tell us that we'll need to find a Black Mask along with the White one we found in Castle Fynn. There's a statue in a below-ground shrine in Mysidia with a statue of a Goddess in it that I'm going to have to put the White Mask on. Probably should have done that before I headed out to the island where the Black Mask is, but it's another silly mistake like so many others I've been making this playthrough. I'll try to remember to do that on my way back, since I'll probably want to visit Mysidia again when I'm done anyway.

The island in question is further south from Mysidia by sea, and now that I reflect on this part of it, I realize that the strait I mentioned before might be here instead of where I was saying before. Regardless, there's not much space on the island. Just enough to get off the ship and use a cottage if needed while we're there. I took care of the treasure on the first floor before deciding it was time to quit for the night. I'll try to get the next part of this up in less time than it took me to get to this one, but the way things have been going, I'd best not make any promises.

Part of the reason I've been so lax in this blog and online stuff I do lately is that there's been some stuff I've been trying to get my head around lately. The good news is that I think I'm finally getting into a head space where I can do something about some of it. The bad news is that I'm still trying to figure out how I want to go about that. Some of it's fit to be presented in venues like this one, some of it's not, and sadly, there's more overlap than I like there, and it's slowing everything down more than I'd like.

Hopefully, I'll have some of the serious stuff, and more of the fun stuff up soon. Until then, stay safe, have fun, keep gaming, and DFTBA.

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