Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Electronics Recycling

Two bits of electronics to recycle at once for a change.

I guess this also qualifies as having “early in the day” chores for once as well. It's been awhile since I've been in this situation, but I guess it happens every once in a while.

What I've got to take to Best Buy this time are an old weather radio that doesn't seem to pick up signals any more and a paper shredder that's straight up broken. It's been awhile since I've had anything to take in there, and now I've got multiple things.

While neither of these things might be what one might call actual necessities, they do come in handy more often than I realized before they broke down on me. The shredder in particular has its uses while the weather radio is more just a nice thing to have, though now that I've been without one for awhile, I do find that I miss it.

I've already replaced the shredder because I actually had things I needed to use it on. As for the radio, well, I'm looking around to see if I can pick one up locally. No luck as of this writing, but by the time anybody reads this, that might have changed. I'll likely share an update if I do after this goes live.

That's kind of where I am with all this stuff now. As always, more stuff coming. See you then.

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