Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Compression Of Time

Because the song from Final Fantasy 8 inspired me to finally get on with writing something for the hell of it again.

Here's an embed of the same remake version by BitSymphony I linked to before the jump, for anyone who may not want to open another tab to listen while they read:

The reason this particular piece of music inspired me to write this tonight is that it comes from the point in the game, as I understand it, where we learn that the villain's main goal is to compress time into a single moment so she can rule the universe for that moment before the whole thing collapses in on itself. The reason I have the qualifier there is because I've never actually finished the game myself, in spite of having come fairly damned close when I did my Text Play of it in... 2014 and 2015. My God, has it really been almost a decade already? Where has the time gone?

Anyway, the reason the song inspired me is because, for me, at least, time has felt at least a little bit compressed, and I've had a hell of a time working up the drive to sit down and just write things for the hell of it like I used to way back when I started all this with the small amount of free time I seem to have any more.

Part of the reason I want to write more again is because it's something I'm actually considerably more confident about, when compared to my video work. It'll give me more examples of that to share in a couple of the Discord servers I've joined recently, and are the sort of place where it might be beneficial to do so. I'm not sure how much good any of it will do me, but something tells me I won't find out if I don't at least try.

With that in mind, I suppose I should mention a few of the actual ideas I'd like to get on with when I'm not doing the “random bullshit” posts.

The first one is one that I've been talking about for a long time now, but I still mean it when I say I want to finally, finally finish Final Fantasy 9 on here. That's been going on for almost a decade now, too, and I had not intended such. The game itself is still fun. The problem is with me, and I'll get a bit into why in a bit.

Something that's a little more on the back burner is doing written reviews of the VHS movie collection I've got on the bookshelf here in my computer area. What's been holding me back on that is more technical difficulties. I've made a few attempts to get something like that done, only to have whatever I was using as a VCR to go kaput on me after only one or two entries. The good news is that I've still got an option to work with, if I can get it finagled into working again. I just need to work up the gumption to make that happen, and maybe having a post like this out will help with that.

I've also got a couple more JM Tries videos I'm “in production” on, and hopefully, I'll have at least one of those up before long, as well as a more rambly Coffee Time video as well. There's also the one about the old AP Style manual I keep talking about, too, and with any luck, this just might be what it takes to get me going on that, too.

Now, as to why I'm having so much trouble getting on with so much of this stuff lately. I suspect I've been more than a little depressed lately. I'm sure my dad's passing back in October has been a big part of that since it happened. Still, this is something that's been going on for at least a couple years longer than that, and I think I may have been onto something in this post from January of last year, that I wrote after watching the James Bond film Skyfall. For quite a long time, the fact that I'm really not so young any more has been on my mind quite a lot, and it's been getting me down.

So, what am I going to do to make things better somehow? I don't know. I really wish I did, but I don't know. I'd like to think I'll be able to get this all sorted before much longer, but the way things have been going lately, I've got my doubts.

With that, I suppose I'd better wrap this up and at least get some sleep so I'm somewhat rested up for working on all these grand ideas I've got. Maybe it'll help with seeing some of it through.

See you soon.

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