Saturday, June 22, 2024

A Few Ideas In The Works

And some other updates as well.

First off, as I was saying in my previous post, I've been doing some cleaning around my apartment, which has lead to me finding and subsequently getting rid of a few things that needed to go. In the course of all that shuffling about, I'd also managed to misplace a few of the materials I need for other projects that I'd thought I'd be done with by now, which has delayed completion on those things. Good news is, I think I've found them again, so I can get on with getting on with that stuff.

Next on the list is a bit of a project for my YouTube channel that I never seriously thought I'd get to. At the moment, it's still a ways off, but close enough that I really need to get on with making a plan for it. There's a handful of other videos I need to make first that I'm hoping to have up before too long, including a Coffee Time where I get more into that.

One thing I will mention in passing on that front right now is yet another thing I never seriously thought I'd see happen with regards to any of this stuff I do online here. See, there's this Star Trek reviewer on YT called Unlimited Lives who's Discord server I'm in, and I've been sharing my own videos there as part of the self-promotion I do. When I shared the one about the cherry soda, I learned that UL himself watches my stuff and even special ordered some from one of his local shops. If I remember correctly, it's been awhile since I've heard that sort of thing from anybody, and I think this is the first time it's come from someone who does this sort of thing professionally. Gotta say, I kind of like the feeling I get from that.

With all the motivation I've had lately, I just might finally finish Final Fantasy 9 after having the playthrough I've been working on here going for nearly a decade. After that, I'm not sure what I'm going to do on the gaming front. I'll admit, I've been sporadic at best there, and I haven't even been playing for fun as much as I used to. I'll try to get into a few thoughts on that as well in the Coffee Time video I mentioned above.

So yeah, there's things going on here, and I'm actually feeling more confident in general about them than I may let on in any given moment. But I'll get to them in more detail soon. For now, I need to wrap up and get some sleep.

Until next time.

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