Wednesday, June 19, 2024

A Slow Month

This has been a slow month for me on a lot of fronts.

Not the least of which is this writing thing I do. Between being busy with my day job and feeling off in the health department, I really haven't felt up to writing much. I haven't been doing as much gaming lately as a result, as well, so I'm behind on that, too.

The good news is that I've at least managed to get some cleaning and rearranging done around my apartment. It may not look it as I write this, but it has indeed been done. Found some old work pants that still fit, and in at least one case, were even too big. Most of those will be donated to some sort of charity at some point.

I've also managed to get rid of some old electronics as well. This is in addition to the stuff I wrote about a month ago because there's some stuff that either finally did give out on me or I just need to admit that I'm not using any more and am not likely to use again, so it needs to go

There's also some stuff I need to take to my bank as well, so I'll be doing that when I get a chance. So there's a little good news there, too.

In spite of all that's been going on, I feel kind of bad about not being able to keep up with all this other stuff I do online. I'm sure there are plenty of people who will tell me that it's alright because the real-world offline stuff is at least a little more important and that seeing to that first doesn't make me a bad person. Even with that in mind, though, a song that's been in my head lately has been Harleys and Indians by Roxette, especially the bridge between the second and third verses.

I'm just going to wrap this up here, though, since I've still got things I need to get on with. See you soon.

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