Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Found Work Pants

I guess it's a good thing I started cleaning out the dresser in my bedroom.

The initial cause was that I was looking for other things that I still haven't found yet. In the process of it all, I came across a good number of old pairs of work pants from the last ten to fifteen years, more or less. Surprisingly, a good number of them, along with the one pair of blue jeans I found with them, still fit and seem to be in relatively good repair.

There were, of course, some that didn't fit any more, so those got donated to someplace that takes that kind of thing.

The interesting situation this left me in is that I did need to replace some of the work pants I'd had, and some of the ones I found were in good enough condition and fit well enough to fit the bill, even if they were actually somewhat too big.

I only needed two or maybe three to cover that need, and I had more than that. It wasn't easy to pick the best three to keep, but I did manage it. I guess this is what one might call a good problem to have, but it was still a problem, and I do hope I did a decent job of getting it solved.

The whole situation really brought to mind this host segment from MST3K:

It would be nice if I was having as much fun cleaning as I do watching videos like that, but I'd better get back to cleaning.

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