Monday, July 8, 2024

TEXT PLAY: Final Fantasy IX (PlayStation, 2000, Square-Enix): Issue #089: So I Jinxed It

Remember how I commented on maybe doing this more regularly again at the start of the last one of these I put up?

I guess saying that really did jinx me, because it'll probably have been almost two months since then by the time anyone gets to read this. Thing is, though, I've had some IRL stuff going on that made gaming less of a priority for me. The good news is, that for the moment, at least, I seem to have gotten it taken care of.

With that in mind, this is a two-session entry, at least, because I still have the bad habit of trying to do all this way later than I should.

The first session of this went longer than I thought it would because I'd get to or at least close to where I thought I wanted to stop for at least a little while, and then get my party wiped out on the way back to the save point. This happened three times before I decided to change my strategy a little bit. My original plan was to finish off Eiko's Dispel and Full-Life spells and Vivi's Doomsday spell and then come get this taken care of. When it became clear to me that it wasn't going to happen that way, I decided to see who else had stuff to learn yet and get that banged out before stopping.

Quina, Freya and Amaranth definitely had a few things left, and I think Dagger may have as well, but since Quina's Auto-Life ability was the one that had the least left on it, that's what I went for. When that was finished, I went on back to the save point to give it a rest for the night. While I was there, I swapped Freya in for Quina so the ability points going forward would still be used for more than just the two mages. In the process of doing my final checks of the session, I also discovered that I still needed to get Eiko's final summon learend, too. I'm not sure how long I've had the required thing for that, but that's mostly because of how much real time passes between these things.

After an unintentional break of two months between sessions, I finally got back to making that happen. In that second session, I finished off Vivi's Doomsday spell, Eiko's Madeen summon and Dagger's Curaga spell. As I was saying above, I'm sure Quina, Freya and Amaranth still have things they could learn, but I'm not sure I have the right equipment for them, and I'm at a point where I don't think I want to put the time and effort into learning it anyway.

I think at this point, I think I'm just going to try to finish the game. I'm not sure how much luck I'll have with that, but it's time to just get on with that. From there, I'm not sure what I'll do next. Right now, I'm considering at least playing Final Fantasy 7, if not doing a Text Play of it, since I've been watching a Twitch stream of the remake lately, and I think I need a refresher on the original.

But that's a bridge we'll cross when we get there. Hopefully, it won't be so long before we do.

Until next time, stay safe, have fun, keep gaming, and DFTBA.

See you soon.

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