Wednesday, July 31, 2024

It's Been Awhile

It's about time for an update on a few things.

The big thing here is that I started on weight loss medication about two weeks ago, as of this writing. For the most part, I think it's been helping, but it's barely been two weeks yet, so I'm still adjusting to the meds. Things taste different now, which is why it's still going to be awhile before I get back to doing JMShearer Tries videos. On the plus side, I do have other ideas to work with on that front.

Like I was saying above, though, I think the medications I'm on are working as intended. I'm feeling considerably less hungry than I was before I started taking them, which is a big help, and aside from a funny taste in my mouth and being thirstier than I was before, I think I'm doing alright otherwise.

Another thing of note is that my birthday is coming up a couple days after I write this. I'll be 47 years old this year. For the most part, I think I'm OK with that, too, but if I recall correctly, I think I've said a few times that I feel a little more age-related anxiety every year around my birthday. I'm sure there's plenty to get into there, but it's a bit more than I'm in the mood for right now, so I'll save it for another time, perhaps.

As always, I've got plans and ideas for things I want to do if I can get myself sorted well enough to get going on them and some of the things I think I've got to be anxious about are just things I'm worrying over for nothing. For example, I've got at least one Odds and Ends video I could make, and I have a good sized pile of art to finish and get up. And maybe, just maybe, I'll finally finish my Final Fantasy 9 playthrough as well, after all these years.

That bit about the video game makes me realize that a lot has happened in recent years. A lot has changed, and so much is different now. I'm not sure where I'm going with any of this any more, or what I want from it, and that scares me. Everything seems like such a jumbled mess right now, and has for quite a while now, and I'm not sure I can get it figured out before things go wrong.

All I can really do is keep trying, so that's what I'm going to do, and hopefully some of that will show up online here somehow soon.

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