Friday, August 9, 2024

TEXT PLAY: Final Fantasy IX (PlayStation, 2000, Square-Enix): Issue #090: Endgame, Part One

This isn't like Star Trek: Voyager, and I'm not sure if that's good or bad.

After far too too long, in more ways than I'd intended, I'm finally getting around to finishing this off. I've got thoughts to give and stories to tell about all this because it's a journey, but I'll save that for the wrapup when I get to it, because I need a motivation to actually get this thing done after like nine years or however the hell long it's been now.

This particular session was mostly about finding out about how ready I really was and what I might need to do to actually get this thing finished. The good news is that my assessment that I gave at the end of the last one of these I put up about a month ago was correct, and I'm about as ready as I'm going to be, in terms of party members go.

My first attempt was just going into the final boss room to see what it looked like and what I might be up against. I kind of suspected going in with Zidane, Freya, Vivi and Dagger was going to go badly when I did it, and unfortunately, it turned out I was right. But really, getting through the final battle wasn't really the point with the first shot.

Once I got at least a little better idea of what was there, I switched to a party of Zidane, Steiner, Vivi and Eiko and got a little farther with it. From what I understand, this fight has three phases to it, with the first one being a summoned beast that Kuja sends at the party after continuing on with that whole “If I have to die, so does everybody else” thing he'd been doing since he found out he was just a pawn in Garland's game awhile back. Once that one, called Deathguise, goes down, it's on to Kuja himself, in a form called Trance Kuja. I suspect I might have made it farther with this fight than I realize on at least one of the attempts I made, and might have actually finished the game this time around had I planned things a little better and taken advantage of the fact that I could have healed up and saved after the first phase of this thing.

But that's something I'll have to remember for next time because I've got work in the morning and have to get off to bed when I'm done writing this. Hopefully it won't be another month, Either way, though, until next time, stay safe, have fun, keep gaming, and DFTBA.

See you soon.

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