Sunday, August 11, 2024

Final Fantasy Tonight: Isn't This Where I Came In...?

I'm probably going to mention this when I finally finish my playthrough of Final Fantasy 9 after going on eight years now, but I may as well make it it's own post as well.

I got to thinking about the situation I'm in after I made that last post about the game itself, and I realized something. It seems to me that what's going on in the world at large right now looks a lot like what was going on back when I started that Text Play back in the summer or early fall of 2016. We were either having or had just recently had some Summer Olympics at the time, for one thing. They were in Brazil in 2016 and France this year.

If I recall, I may have been trying to take my health a little more seriously at the time, as well, just like I am now. Back then, I had yet to start making use of the health insurance I'd been getting through the Affordable Care Act like I am now, and I think it's going a little better this time around.

Another thing both years have in common is that both just happen to be presidential election years. On top of that, in both cases, the Republicans are running Trump, for better or worse, while the Democrats were running Hillary Clinton in 2016, for better or worse, while this year, they've got Harris for, well, you get the picture, and I'm really hoping we don't wind up making the same mistake we made back then.

One more somewhat similar thing is that this is happening about a year after I got a different vehicle. The circumstances were different this time, thankfully, because car crashes are things to be avoided, if at all possible, and in the more recent case, that's how it was, avoided

There are some other goings on as well right now, but I think I'll hold off on them for the time being. There are a few things I want to get sorted a little better before I start talking about them, and that's going to take a little while yet.

One last thing I should note is the connectivity issues I noted in the description for my last Coffee Time video. I really haven't had a problem with it since the night before I made that video, and that's fine by me. It's only been a few days, of course, but the frequency with which things were dropping out the couple days before was concerning. From what I understand, my ISP, which is the local cable company, should at least be dropping off a new modem that I should be able to set up myself. That's something we'll have to see about, of course, but having a new modem will help, if only because the one I'm using now is the same one I got from them when I first got service with them when I moved in almost 20 years ago now, so it's time for an upgrade of sorts.

With that, it's time I wrapped this up for now and got on with some of these things. Hopefully, updates will be coming soon. See you then.

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