Monday, August 26, 2024

Making Time Again

It seems like this is a common theme when I'm not doing video games any more.

I keep meaning to set aside time to, y'know, actually do things other than just sit here and write about how I'm gonna do all these things, but lately, I've just not been able to do that effectively. It would be nice to have something that didn't seem like a lame excuse for why that is, but I don't even really have that.

Unfortunately, today isn't going to be a day when I change that, at least not that I can forsee as I write this. At the moment, this seems like a fairly normal Monday, with my normal Monday plans in effect, which means there's not likely to be any content coming after this. As always, that's subject to change as the day progresses, and we'll all know if and when that happens at about the same time.

One thing I'm hoping will help get me going on some of these things again is to actually write a few of the ideas down and have them posted both here online and on the fridge in my apartment as well. Might actually help to have it where I can see it, right.

First things first is making a proper attempt at finishing off Final Fantasy 9 after all these years. I think I've got an idea of how to do that now, and I think I've even got my game set up so I can make that happen. For now, I'm thinking Tuesday night will be the time for that, since I have Wednesday off and nothing beyond my usual plans for that day.

I've also got a couple more JM Tries videos that I'd made thumbnails for before I got started on the weight loss meds. Now that I've more or less adjusted to those and have made some decent progress on getting my eating habits in general adjusted for the better, at least to some degree, I think I'll at least try to get those knocked out in the next couple weeks as well.

The biggest thing that's been holding me back from getting just getting on with finishing what I've got going on right now is that I'm maybe putting a little too much thought into what I'm going to do when I actually do get these things done. I've got at least a few options on hand for both JMT and the gaming stuff, moreso the gaming stuff. I don't necessarily have to decide right away, or anything, but, as is so often the case with this sort of thing, the sooner the better. As I'm sure I've mentioned before, I'm in fairly serious need of an equipment refresh in the near future regardless if I intend to continue with even the basic stuff I'm doing now.

The good news is that one of the streamers I watch does a tech podcast on Saturdays, and the most recent episode had a question about webcams that I need to review the answer for because it's kind of relevant to what I do. Actually paying attention to the answer might help me decide how much I want and/or need to spend on everything else going forward.

But that'll be for another time. As always, more on the way. See you soon.

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