Friday, July 12, 2024

Trying An Old Recipe: Vanilla Deluxe Pudding

Be Dylan Hollis?

Well, I'm certainly not, but this does seem like something he might make on his YouTube channel.

In this case, it's a recipe I found in one of my mom's old cookbooks from the late 60s or early 70s that I finally got a chance to give a shot because at least some of the ingredients were on sale at the grocery store recently.

As printed in that edition of the Betty Crocker cookbook, it says 1 cup of milk, 1 cup of dairy sour cream, and a 3-1/2 ounce package of instant pudding. I made a half batch because the pudding I could have gotten at the grocery store was either just shy of half that or almost double, and I didn't want to have a double batch around. The instructions say to beat the milk and sour cream together before adding the pudding and mixing again. I'm not sure if I did it wrong or what, but this is what I came up with:

It looks weird, but it had an interesting texture and nice flavor. It's a good every-once-in-awhile thing, but I'm not planning on making it again for awhile once I finish what I've got.

There's also one for a chocolate variation that's a little more complex and closer to what I can get at the store, but that's also for another, probably much later time.

As always, there's more of the “variety” stuff I usually do coming. Until then, why not have a look at the post I did about the cookbook I got this from a couple years back?

See you soon.

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