Sunday, January 26, 2025

Coming Back Around

I've been feeling well enough to do more of this stuff again lately.

One could say I've been coming back around to this whole content creator thing again. That's why there have been a few more videos going up on my YouTube channel lately, and I've been trying to do more writing again, too. I'm starting to get through some of my backlog, which is a good thing.

One of the down sides here is that I've also got a backlog of art that I'll probably be dumb enough to do something with. Not sure why I keep doing that, but I guess it keeps me doing worse things.

All this is to remind me, at least in part, that I still need to just get on with getting that new computer that I'm pretty sure I've talked about a time or two already. I think I know what I need on that front, and I'm pretty sure I even had an option or two narrowed down, too. I just need to get on with making that happen like I have with a few other things lately.

So here's to continuing the trend of less talk and more action, I guess.

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