Saturday, January 25, 2025

Picture Post: Last of the Big Tackle Boxes, Part Two

It took me longer than I had hoped to get to this, but I'm getting to it eventually.

We're going to start this one off with some hardware for making spinners.

The way these things were made was with a length of fishing line that had the spoon bit on there that reflected the light as it spun around while being reeled in. Looks like there might have been a sale or special on blaze orange spoons when whoever bought these bought them.

And speaking of casting lures, here's these things:

Those first things went on hooks or jig heads like in the second picture there. Or they could go on bigger hooks like this:

Hooks like that could be used with things like the Twisters, which were the brand name for the things with the ball jigs or nightcrawlers.

There were also some corks, weights, and other accessories, too. I was going to try to go over this in a little more detail than I actually am, but this has taken long enough to get out as is. Probably the most significant things, at least for me, were these ones:

The orange thing with the clippy thing on it is a depth finder for ice fishing; the other is a handful of corks, I'm thinking a stringer, and a hook remover, most of which I got at least some use out of over the years.

But with that, I'm going to wrap this up. It's been interesting looking at all this stuff again, and I hope it's been at least a little bit so for everyone else, as well.

I'm not sure what my next project's going to be from here, but I'm sure I'll have an idea soon enough. See you then.

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