It's been a dozen years since I had a go at this game, and in spite of not having touched it in that long, I remember it being a pretty good game.
A big part of why I haven't touched it in so long is that when I was doing the previous playthrough here, I started hitting tech issues that I wasn't sure were with the console or the cart or what that eventually wound up completely blitzing my save file when I was pretty much right at the end of the game. . At first, I was doing other games to see where the problem might have been. In the years since, I made it through FF6, Mystic Quest, and I think a second run of FF4 with no problems, so it seems less likely that it was the console that was causing the issue.
Another thing that's kind of kept me away from this for as long as it has is that there's been quite a lot of real life stuff going on, too. One must remember, of course, that twelve years is a long time, after all. It's what slowed me down so much on Final Fantasy 9, and had been building to that sort of thing for awhile before then.
As for the game itself, it's a fairly standard thing for its era. The hero of fate and his companions are on a quest to save the world from a great ancient evil sweeping the land. In this case, the ancient evil is a group of entities called the Sinestrals, and I believe the main player character and at least one other party member are decedents of a previous party that beat the villains in an earlier cycle. I think this may be the only game I've personally played with a story quite like this.
One thing I do remember from my last attempt at this is that I said something about how this seemed like a Dragon Quest game on the SNES. At the time, I either didn't know or didn't remember that there were Dragon Quest games on the SNES, in part to having come across a Twitch channel called Retro Island Gaming. I'm not sure how or why I came to be in error about the Dragon Quest thing, but I'm glad I was reminded that there were more than just the three games I remembered in the DQ series
But as for Lufia here, this is actually a neat looking game. Part of the reason I was looking at Retro Island Gaming's channel while I was writing this was to see if he'd done it, but he was live at the time, and his list of completed games said he did it in 2022, so even if I could have checked to see if it was still in his VODs, it seems unlikely that it would still be there.
That's actually one of the reasons why I want to get a new setup, really, so that I can maybe get into doing that sort of thing myself, right? But all that's for another post or a video or something for later. For now, I need to figure out how I'm going to make all this happen with what I've got on hand. I'm sure I'll repeat some jokes from the first run. I'm not sure how I'll avoid it, really. Some of it's going to be in bad taste, especially by today's standards, I think, but I'll still go ahead in some cases.
For now, though, I'd better wrap this up and get on with other things. If I can arrange my time properly, I'll start the game off the same way I did the last time I tried this with it, with an issue called Men In Tights.
Until next time, stay safe, have fun, keep gaming, and DFTBA!
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