Saturday, April 13, 2024

MiSTing: DigiDefenders Episode 7, Part One

This is a good deal later than I'd intended it to be. A little more than a year, really. I'm finally getting to it, though.

This episode orininally came out in spring or summer of 2002, which was coming close to when the series would end, sadly. That's a topic for later, though.

This part specifically is just the shorts that lead into the main feature. The thing that I think seems most apparent now is that I hadn't read these as well as I thought I had when I claimed them on the Web Site Number Nine dibs list back in the day, considering how they're virtually identical.

The opening host segment references Babylon 5, since I was, and still am, really, a fan of that. It seemed an obvious route to go, calling the person in charge of the team of “Chosen Ones” Ivonova, since in the stories, she's just called “The Commander”. As for the web comic my character is reading, that would be early 8-Bit Theater pages, since it was still just beginning, and I was a fan of that, too.

Anyway, here's part one of Episode Seven of Digimon: DigiDefenders on JMST3K.

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Title: Digimon: Digidefenders: Episode 7:Two of a Kind/The Mountain Adventure.
	With short: Oil prices could continue upward.
	And short: Profit from high gas prices.
Original Author [fanfic]: Phantom 1
Original Authors [shorts]: Unknown
MiSTing Author: Jesse Shearer  email contact:
Categories: AD; ANIME
Era: None/Nonstandard

[Lobby.  JESSE (tacky Hawaiian shirt and blue jeans) has his laptop on the 
snack counter, apparently browsing a web comic, as there is regular laughter 
and the occasional comment about "that silly fighter" or "the black mage 
does it again..."  Suddenly, he acts supprised; as his comic is replaced 
with a video call.  The shot intermittently switches between JESSE and the 
face on the screen.  The caller is the COMMANDER at the Digidefenders 
Headquarters, who bears a strong resemblance to Cmndr. Ivonova from Babylon 5.]

JESSE: Can I help you with something?
COMMANDER: You are Jesse Shearer?
JESSE: I was last time I checked, yes.
COMMANDER: Good.  A few more of the Digidefenders need a break, so I'm sending them your way.
JESSE: Sounds good.  I'm looking forward to meeting them.
COMMANDER: Actually, the first is on his way now. [looks off screen] Jorge, are you ready to go?
JORGE:[off screen] Yes.
COMMANDER: Here he comes.  You might want to stand aside for a moment.
[A few seconds later, a Brazillian boy, about 10 years old, appears from a portal in front of the laptop.  JESSE helps him up]
JESSE: You alright?
JORGE:[slight limp] My leg was injured recently and is bothering me, but otherwise, I feel fine.
JESSE: I'm glad you're feeling better.  I hope the trip through wasn't too rough.
JORGE: It was alright.  What are you showing today?
JESSE: Episode seven of a series based on you Digidefenders, but the film hasn't come yet.  We could start with a commercial, if you'd like, though.
JORGE: As long as we can sit down.
JESSE: Definately.  Can I get you something to drink before we start?
JORGE: Water would be nice.
JESSE: I've got twenty ounce bottles or cups that start at thirty-two.
JORGE: Just a bottle, thanks.
JESSE: Alrighty, then. [turns arround and grabs two bottles of water from the cooler behind him] Just let me know if you need a hand.
JORGE: My leg is merely sore.  I think I can make it.
[Double doors open to theater.  JORGE takes the second seat in, JESSE is on the aisle.]

JESSE: Not sure what this one's gonna tell us...
JORGE: At least your air conditioning works.

>Subj:Oil prices could continue upward 

JORGE: Or mabey they will remain the same.
JESSE: Or they could fall.  I don't really trust oil wells on the stock market.

>Date:4/18/02 7:31:54 PM Central Daylight Time

JORGE: What kind of screen name is that?
JESSE: Broadband user, I think.

>World conflicts continue to put pressure on oil prices.

JESSE: Well, no duh!
JORGE: Upward, inflationary pressure.
JESSE: Wow!  You must do really well in school.

>(New York) The Middle East continues to be an extremely volatile area with peace >nowhere in sight in spite of Colin Powel's efforts to bring the two sides closer to a >solution.

JESSE: No supprise there, though.  There's been fighting there for centuries.

>This coupled with the return to power of President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela

JESSE: Is he supposed to be a good guy or a bad one?
JORGE: Well, I know he's not popular...
> after just two days of being ousted from office is bound to put immediate upward pressure on the >price of oil in the world markets.

JESSE: Gas prices have been going up since this was written, now that they mention it.
JORGE: It's still probably cheaper here than it is in other countires.

>Savvy investors should consider undervalued oil & gas stocks NOW as a way of >profiting from the anticipated higher oil & gas prices.

JORGE: Savvy investors should also consider that this particular company will probably fail within a year.

>We have identified an energy player engaged in the acquisition, development and >production of natural gas and oil  with proven reserves as well as very low per barrel >production costs.

JESSE: Didn't Enron go bankrupt last year?

>We would like to send you further information on this company plus a copy of an >analyst report that pegs the twelve month price target of this stock at C$6. This stock is >now trading at C$1.00 per share.

JESSE: That's somewhere in the area of eighty cents this side of the border, I think.

>Please click here to have additional information e-mailed to you:

JORGE: Don't know how!


JESSE: I hate links like that.
JORGE: How come?
JESSE: Too much information at once.

>There is nothing to purchase now or in the future.


>      This is for information only.

JESSE: Oh, of course it is.
JORGE: Is that the end?
JESSE: Of that one.  I can't remember if I started *one* or *two* ads.

>Subj:Profit from high gas prices 

JORGE: Looks like you started two.
JESSE: I guess I did.

>Date:4/16/02 8:23:19 AM Central Daylight Time

JORGE: Oh, these guys again.
JESSE: I guess they've got gas this time.

>World conflicts continue to put pressure on oil prices.

JORGE: Yes they do.

>(New York) The Middle East continues to be an extremely volatile area with peace >nowhere in sight in spite of Colin Powell's efforts to bring the two sides closer to a >solution.

JORGE: But then, seeing as how there's been fighting over there for nearly two thousand years...
JESSE: Yeah, good luck, Mr. Powell.

>This coupled with the return to power of President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela after just >two days of being ousted from office is bound to put immediate upward pressure on the >price of oil in the world markets.

JORGE: They said that before and it didn't get them anywhere.

>Savvy investors should consider undervalued oil & gas stocks NOW as a way of >profiting from the anticipated higher oil & gas prices.

JESSE:  We've been through this part before.

>We have identified an energy player engaged in the acquisition, development and >production of natural gas and oil with proven reserves as well as very low per barrel >production costs.

JESSE: Hey, Jorge, you know how they spell `Canada' up north?
JORGE: No, how?
JESSE:[takes a pen and notebook from his pocket and writes something, then holds it so JORGE can read it] Read this every time I say a letter.
JORGE: Eh...
JORGE: Eh...
JORGE: Eh...

>We would like to send you further information on this company plus a copy of an >analyst report that pegs the twelve month price target of this stock at C$6.

JESSE: Yeah, six bucks Canadian.  Big whoop.

>                                                                                                                    This stock is >now trading at C$2.00 per share.

JORGE: Well, that's different.  It's worth a dollar and sixty cents instead of just eighty cents.

>Please click here to have additional information e-mailed to you:

JESSE: I'd really rather not.


JORGE: We have nothing to click with!


JESSE: Well, it's shorter, anyway.

>There is nothing to purchase now or in the future. This is for information purposes only.

JORGE: Yeah, right.
JESSE: At least it's over.  Let's go see if the feature film is here.
JORGE: Yeah, my doctor says I'm supposed to excercise my leg now that it's almost healed anyway.
JESSE: Good suggestion.

[Both exit theater]

[Lobby.  JESSE and JORGE are at the snack counter]
JESSE: Think those ads'll work out?
JORGE: They might be better if they were for reliable things.
JESSE: True, but the reliable companies didn't want to advertise here, not even the local ones.
JORGE: That's too bad.
JESSE: Yeah.  Hey, when the others supposed to show up?
JORGE: Soon.  Ashley, Eli and Rick will probably be here.
JESSE: Sounds good.
[A second later a Digiport can be heard opening and shortly thereafter Digidefenders ASHLEY, ELI and RICK enter the scene]
RICK: This must be the place.
JORGE: If you're here for the moving picture show, it is.
ELI: The Commander said something about the film being about our latest adventure...
JESSE: It might be.  The title is "Digimon: Digidefenders: Episode 7: Two of a Kind/The Mountain Adventure."
ASHLEY: That would be the one.
RICK: But it wouldn't be a movie without popcorn and soda.
JESSE: I can accommodate that.  The popcorn will take a a few minutes, but the pop's all ready to go.
ELI: What kinds do you have?
JESSE: You know, I can't recall off hand.  Let's check the fountain.
[The shot shows a soda fountain with nozzles labled GRAPE, CHERRY, RASPBERRY, ORANGE, ROOT BEER, LIME, CREAM SODA, STRAWBERRY, and WATER]
RICK: What's the smallest size you've got?
JESSE: Thirty two ounces.  I have a slight tendancy to overdo it.
ASHLEY: No kidding.
RICK: I guess I'll have a small root beer.
ELI: I'll just take the water.
JORGE: Me, too.
ASHLEY: I'm feeling a bit thirsty, so I'll take the largest strawberry soda you've got.
JESSE: That would be the gallon and a half size.  You sure you want that much?
ASHLEY: You bet!  I'm thirsty.
JESSE: Well, OK. [begins filling drinks for RICK, ELI, and JORGE] Just get these others filled up so there's full pressure for the strawberry when the time comes.
RICK: I don't think I've ever seen a cup capable of holding a gallon and a half before.
JORGE: There's a first time for everything.
JESSE: Quite true. [hands out other drinks and then pulls a cup nearly a foot and a half tall and almost the same across at the top from under the counter]
ASHLEY:[giggles] Oh!
ELI: That's probably going to be too big.
ASHLEY: Naw...
JESSE: This'll take a few minutes to fill, so you guys can grab some candy or something from the counter and head on back to the theater if you'd like.
RICK: At least one of us should stay here and help carry.
ELI: Yes.
JORGE: Good idea.
JESSE: Man, these take time to fill.

[Commertials, mostly for your local political figures]

***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Starting next time, I think this episode might have one of the bigger casts I'd ever done in the theater, with five. I think I may have done six at one point, but I can't recall where.

I'm also hoping to have the rest of this coming up in the next few weeks, as well as other material as well.

See you soon, folks.

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