Thursday, October 24, 2024

Old Pancake Mix

This is a followup post to one I made back in June.

I was going to try to make a picture post out of this, but it turned out that at least one of the actual pictures I was going to use for the purpose was corrupted right on my phone and I didn't realize until I tried to do my whole deal where I try to optimize it on the old junker laptop I've been using for that for like fifteen years now. That's probably for the best, though, since I've got plenty of other projects that are more complex and time consuming than they need to be going on right now anyway.

So, since yesterday was my day off, I figured I'd go ahead with actually using the old pancake mix I found in the picnic basket I wrote about in the post I linked to above the jump. I'm sure that kind of thing does go bad eventually, but I'm not sure how long it takes, and I'm not sure I want to know. At this point, it was twelve years old, perhaps going on 13, so it may not have been the best idea to go ahead with that. The thing is, one of the things I've taken away from being a Red Green fan is that there are a good many moments in life where if you can't smart enough to get something right, you may as well be dumb enough to keep trying, and for me, this was one of them

So, how were the pancakes that came out of the stuff? Well, the mix was a good dozen years old, and it showed, but with that in mind, they were alright. I don't think I'm suffering any ill effects from having done this, or at least none that can't possibly be attributed to one of the other dumb things I did during the day without realizing.

Turns out, there was about a cup of mix in the jar, which needed a half cup of water. The batter came out about right.

Would I recommend anybody else try doing things like this? Well, no, not unless there's a lack of other options available. Eating expired food like this has a way of being less than ideal for folks, and I'd rather not see anybody wind up getting hurt by following my example.

As for how this specific post is layed out, it's like I was saying at the top, I'd planned on having pictures for all of this so I didn't really try too hard to remember the experience as well as maybe I should have. The good news is that when I told my mom about having gone ahead with this, she had a good laugh at it, and I'm hoping a few others will have the same experience.

But that's about all I've got for this particular entry. I'd best get back to work on some of the other projects I've got going on, just so I have something decent to put up for once.

Until next time.

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