Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Short Version

I'd been working on a longer, rantier version of this for a couple days, and then decided to scrap it because the situation had improved slightly.

For a brief moment, I'd also considered trying to do a video along these lines, too, but I quickly realized that wasn't going to work out quite the way I would want either, so here I am, trying to do this instead.

So this is essentially the short version of what all that was going to be about. Basically, this is an update on a few things. I've been making at least a little progress on quite a few things again, but I haven't really got anything to show for it just yet. A big part of that is that my brain is feeling a bit fried right now, and it's been mostly from having what sure seems like more than a little pressure than usual in my offline life, mostly from the day job. I'd like to say the weight loss meds I'm on have something to do with it, but that's really not much of an excuse at this point, because even with the upped dose I'm on for one of them now, I'm pretty sure I'm about as adjusted to it all as I'm going to get.

Something I'm a little more sure of here is that something's gotta give at some point here, and if possible, I'd like to have some choice in what that something is. It may not be possible, of course, but it certainly would be preferable, but some things are just beyond a person's control, unfortunately.

As with everything else I've got going on right now, that's a matter of doing what I can when I can with what I've got to work with. In every situation, there's only so much I can do at any given moment, and in a lot of cases, I've pretty much done all I can for the time being.

That said, there are a few things I still need to get moving on here, but I need a little more time and a clearer head than I've had lately to make that happen. The thing is, in order to make the clearer head happen, I need to use some of the time to get some better rest than I've been getting, and I've been having trouble doing that lately, for a variety of reasons.

That's where I am for now. I'm going to wrap this up for now and try to get some of that rest stuff I was talking about before this goes live, as I've got stuff to do around then, per usual. Hopefully, that'll take care of some of the other health issues I've got going on right now, at least temporarily.

See you soon, folks.

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