Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Coffee Time Companion: October Once Again (October 6, 2024)

I said I was going to do something like this, and I at least tried to get to it in a timely manner.

Part of what's holding me up on so many of my projects, including this one, is that I've been feeling more burned out than usual lately. I wish I could say it was just because of the weight loss meds I'm on, but I've had a lot going on in my grown-up, offline life lately, and that's been messing me up pretty hard, too. As a result, I feel like it's not just my own projects I'm missing out on, but a lot of other things in life as well.

Since there's a video I'll be adding comments on, I'd better embed the video as close to the top of this as I can:

As I was saying when I shared the original video around, there's a lot of moving on and moving forward I need to do, and I'd like to do some of it in better ways than I have in the past, and arranging my time to make it happen is going to be a real trick. As I was saying above the video, I'm feeling substantially more frazzled than usual. I'm sure the weight loss meds have something to do with it. The fact that they're working mean that I've lost somewhere in the area of 20 pounds in a little more than three months, which has had an effect on my mental state as well, which has made getting my time set up in a meaningful way more difficult than it has been in a while now.

The main part of my wanting to hook up with that Skype buddy before I just stop using Skype is because I kind of just walked away from the group we were in, and I'd rather not do that to the guy a second time if I can avoid it. I would have preferred some other way of leaving the group, but I don't regret leaving it because I needed to leave it for the sake of my own well-being.

Another thing I'm going to need to figure out how to work into my schedule is getting more exercise, which is going to be a bit of a challenge with winter coming. It tends to get cold and snowy in my area this time of year, and I don't exactly have much in the way of budget for gym memberships or room for exercise equipment.

There are some plus sides to all of this, of course. Because I've lost that 20 or so pounds, I'm sleeping better, I'm feeling better, and I'm starting to feel up to doing more stuff again, when I'm not too burnt from the other stuff I've got going on. The day I did that video, for example, I also managed to run the vacuum cleaner in the front room and kitchen and clean my bathroom for the first time in I can't remember how long, which I think I talked about. I also found some weights I can start using to keep a little more muscle while getting rid of fat.

I've also been working on a side chapter to the Orville fanfiction I've got going on. I'd like to get on with the main storyline, but I figure if I get something done with some of the other ideas I've got for that story in general, I might be able to get on with the main one as well.

There's still a few things I kind of feel like I'm missing out on because of real-life goings on and the effects thereof, but that's life in general, I guess. There's always so much more I'd like to be doing, just to prove to myself, at least, that I'm actually useful, good for something.

But yeah, that's about where I am with all this for now. I'm sure there will be updates to come, and even if not, I'll be back with something soon. See you then.

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