Friday, November 30, 2018

A Longer Wait Than Intended

Okay, so it's been six weeks or so since my last post.

I hadn't intended to let things sit for this long, but life happens, I'm afraid. I've been dealing with a few personal issues while I've been away. I'm closer to 50 or 75% than 100 in that regard, but I figure if I get back to doing the writing projects and the likes that I usually do here, I'll be able to move forward a little more quickly again. I've already got one piece pretty much ready to go, but it's something I want to give one last “hard copy proofreading” before I post it.

I've also got the materials I need for quite a few video and other writing projects ready to work with, but before I get to those, I think I'd do well to come up with something like a schedule for when these things will be coming, even if it is only a very basic one.

That'll be another little wait, of course, since I'm working on this way too late, as has been my bad habit for quite a while now. The plan, though, is to have the schedule up in the next few days, maybe by this time next week at the latest. I've already got a few ideas for what goes when, so I've at least got places to start, anyway.

I'm hoping this will help with things in my offline life as well. Things are messed up there, as well, and getting a few of these things fixed would probably be a good idea. Here's to a little luck with that.

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