Monday, August 26, 2019

TEXT PLAY SIDE GAME: Final Fantasy II (Famicom 1988/PS 2003 [Origins]): Issue #006: Back To The Story

Been awhile since I've done any story parts of this game, hasn't it?

When I left off with that, I'd just seen the Dreadnaught take off from Bafsk to kick the shit out of the rest of the world, which meant the next thing the party had to do was go back to Altair and tell Hilda that they'd done fucked up. Since Mindu's a healer, and there's plenty of busted up people around, he's going to stay behind to help patch everyone up. Of course, I'd forgot that this is where he left, so I hadn't taken any of his equipment off. After a moment's debate, I decided to do a soft reset, thinking I'd done a memo file just outside of town because I'd had some good stat growth on my way there. Given my luck, it should come as no real surprise that I was wrong about that, too. The good news is that there are things we can do to fix that along the way. At least I managed to salvage the Ether and the Magiconch, which may be the most valuable things he had on him. The rest of the stuff is... marginal at best, but it might be useful for Josef, since we get him soon.

Moving on, we find that while the king's health was done no good from the attack, the worst part of it is the depression he feels about what's happening to his kingdom as a result of the Empire's takeover of pretty much everything. For now, though, he's holding on pretty well, all things considered.

Since we need to bring down the Dreadnaught now that it's buzzing around doing it's thing, we've got some work ahead of us. The good news is that we kinda-sorta know what we've gotta do. We need to get the Sunfire that airships run on in this game and throw it into the ship's engine so it blows up. The bad news is that it's the typical fifty-three steps to success kind of thing that's common in this sort of game.

As I think may have been previously mentioned, the Sunfire is a national treasure of the nation of Kas'ion, and therefore held in the castle of Kas'ion, which is all locked up tight and can only be reopended by either the voice of a member of the royal family or something called the Goddess' Bell. Since we don't seem to have easy access to any of Kas'ion's royalty at present, that means we've gotta go find the Goddess' Bell, which is found in a snow cave. To do that, we're going to need assistance from that Josef fella I was talking about before, and that we interacted with in the Mithril Mine earlier. He'll join the party in Salamand and give us use of his Snowcraft, since it's the only way to ge to the cave where the Goddess Bell is.

Since, as always, I'm doing all this way later at night than I really should be, I left off outside of Salamand after taking Cid's Airship to get there. Hopefully, it won't be the better part of six months before I get to that again, but then, I keep saying that about all the games I've been playing lately, and I keep failing. There are few reasons for that, and I'll get into them a little more later, most likely in a Final Fantasy Tonight post. Until the next new content, though, stay safe, have fun, keep gaming, and DFTBA.

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