Friday, September 18, 2020

A Foreward to the Digidefenders MiSTing Series, Part Two

 I'm having second thoughts about doing this now, but I also realize that if I wait until later or when I get what I've got of this series posted, it'll never get posted, assuming it ever gets written at all. With that in mind, I may as well just get this knocked out.

Upon thinking this over since finishing part one, I started to think that a lot of what I'll be putting here isn't exactly need-to-know information, for the most part, especially not going in. However, since I did say I'd be doing a part two, I'll go ahead with it anyway.

Part of why I'm so hesiatant to just get on with this is because most of the websites and other Internet things I'll mention here have either been defunct for quite some time now, or are not nearly as easily accessed as they used to be. As such, my use of links to connect to the relevant material is likely to be all but nonexistant for a post as long as this one is likely to be. This is mostly just to get the names of some of these places written down someplace so they can maybe be rememberd going forward.

One thing I'd intended to cover a little more last time is how Phanto and I initially got into contact. Like I said, I'm not enitely sure exactly how it happened any more, thanks to time and age. One possible way was through a site that archived MiSTings called Web Site Number Nine, or WSN9 for short. WSN9 had an associated listserve mailing list through which we could “claim” the items we were doing treatments of and broadcast releveant messages to the group members. It could have started there and then moved to our private emails.

Another possibility was the newsgroups for both Digimon and MST3k. Both are still out there and can be accessed through Google's Google Groups service. There's not much to be seen there these days because, as I so often note in things like this, things have changed dramatically ove the last 20 years or so. However, if anybody's interested. For Mystery Science Theater, it was, and for Digimon, it was

Still another option was the America Online cartoons forums. Those were still a thing at the time, although only just barely. I was still living with my parents at the time, and we still had dial-up internet through America Online. I'm not entirely sure how good an option this was at the time, because at the time, even we were soon to be moving to cable internet service, because that's the way things were going at the time.

A more likely option than that last one, if it wasn't either of the first two, would have been by way of my Fanfiction Dot Net profile. All that still exists, but I'm going to forego the links here because I'm not entirely sure how relevant it actually is any more. FFN, as it's sometimes called, is really only notable as a potential source of contact, because an email address is part of the user profile there.

The “theater” location I used for all of these was based on what I think was a real location in my hometown when I was a kid. There's this little shopping mall here that's been around for ages, and I remember there being a decent-sized single-screen movie theater as one of the achors. When I came up with the idea, I remembered that it had sat empty for a few years before getting subdivided into a few other things, most notably a gym and an arcade, and I figured that what the hell, I may as well use it as the setting for the non-standard MiSTings I was doing.

I'm going to wind up mentioning that very first request thing I did again because it's somewhat relevant here. I don't have any more details to add right now. The important bit is that I've got it on my hard drive and am considering reposting it. I haven't exactly decided if I will or not just yet. If there's interest, I might be more likely to do it. We'll see how things go, of course.

Other than that, I can't think of anything that needs to be added before I get started on this, so I may as well just get on with it. This stuff will be coming alongside all the other stuff that comes up here, if all goes to plan. See you soon, folks.

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