Thursday, October 20, 2022

Picture Post: Sticker Collection

This isn't going to be much of a post, but I've covered these places over the last few years, so there's really not much left to say.

Didn't really make many stops along the way out this year, either. That's OK, though. These have been the most interesting part the last couple years. The first five of these came from the White Lake rest area:

A lot of advertising this year, but I appreciate the green one in the second picture.

This last one came from the gas station in a place called Cactus Flats, if my memory and phone are correct:

Either we didn't stop at any other rest ares on the way out or there was nothing else interesting at the rest areas. It's been a busy few weeks since I got back, mostly for the reasons I was talking about in the previous post, but for the moment, things seem to be settling down enough to work on these things a little bit.

Even if there's nothing else from the rest areas, we did stop at Badlands National Park, where I did get some pictures. I'll try to have those up before too terribly long. I'm also hoping to have something else up in the meantime, but we'll see.

Until next time, safe travels.

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