Saturday, August 31, 2024

Plans And Considerations

So this is just a little late night musing about just what my plans are for all this stuff going forward.

I'm still pretty certain of what I'm going to do for at least a few of the things I do here online. I have those two JMT videos I've got thumbnails for to get taken care of, and I'm going to try to get one of them done before my next day off at my day job just so I can get that item out of my inventory and stop thinking about it.

Like I was saying in the epilog for the FF9 Text Play a couple days ago, the next game I do much with is most likely going to be Final Fantasy 7, since one of the streamers I like has been doing it off and on on Saturdays, and it's been a good while since I've given it a go myself. Between that and my brother telling me he did a level 99 run awhile back, it seems like a good time for me to give the game another shot myself since I still have a copy in my collection.

Thing is, I'm not entirely sure exactly how I want to go about making that happen. Part of the reason it took me as long as it did to get through 9 is that I just don't have as much free time as I did when I started it, and haven't for quite some time. Worse yet, I'm not sure when or even if that'll change. At the moment, doing a full-on video Let's Play series for it just isn't going to happen because I just don't have the proper equipment for it. Or I don't think I do, at least. At one point, I had a capture device for that sort of thing that my brother used for part of his thesis paper from when he was working on either his masters degree or his doctorate that he gave to me after he was done with that experiment. That was a fair number of years ago now, and I think I wound up getting rid of it because I was either not going to use it or it wasn't compatible with something, I forget which. Either way, I don't think I've got that particular component any more, and I'd probably need to upgrade my computer anyway.

Since I'm probably going to go the written route, if I do anything at all with it, I'll have to decide if I want to got for another full text play like I did to at least some extent with all the previous entries in the series I've done thus far, or just go for something more along the lines of summarizing my thoughts every so often as I go through the game like I did a couple times for a game called Spiritfarer. My plan for now is to take another couple days to think about that and do another something like this when I'm closer to making up my mind.

One thing I still need to do is get through last week's Tech Q&A over on Radio Dead Air's Twitch Channel because they talked about webcams for a good portion of the actual Q&A portion of the show. The two things I remember from watching live in passing are that one of the hosts was saying that he uses a jerry-rigged digital SLR for his setup, and something about a $300 unit. Neither sounds particularly great for me because I'm not technically minded enough for the former and the latter might be a bit high-end for where I am and what I do right now. I just need to upgrade from the roughly $35-$40 unit I bought in like 2012 or whenever it was, a long time ago now, which will also mean upgrading my PC, which is most likely going on ten years old itself now.

The thing about all this replacing and upgrading is that it's going to cost me a bit of money, and before I start spending, I'm going to have to decide just how much I want to spend on all this. My funding for all this is limited, and I'll need to decide just what it is I want to do and see how much that might cost before I decide just how much I'm willing to spend. That's going to take time, and I'm not sure how much right now. We'll just have to see.

But that's where I am with a few things right now. I've got some stuff to figure out. I'll try to give updates when I can. Until then, see you soon.

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