Thursday, September 19, 2024

Personally Lost Media

Perhaps “misplaced” would be a better word for it.

I can't remember if I've posted the last part of that MST3K thing I've been working on over the last few years. I'm pretty sure I was on the last part of chapter seven, but I can't remember if I ever got it put up. It seems like every time I try to find out if I ever did, I forget what I found out before I manage to do anything about it.

Since I'm in a place where I think I'm up to going through my personal work spaces again, I'll see if I can find the hard copy I was working from. If I can find it, that'll tell me I haven't gotten it up yet because I'm usually pretty good about getting that sort of thing in the recycle bin or otherwise disposed of once I'm done with it, in spite of my general housekeeping practices otherwise.

If I can't find it in my computer room and I haven't reposted it, it may well be a bit of lost media again, kind of like it was before I happened on a link to a very basic archive of the place that hosted it back in the day.

I won't say there aren't people out there who wouldn't miss it. I'm sure there would be. If there weren't, that link I was talking about above wouldn't have been found and shared, after all. I'm just not sure how many folks are here for the Mystery Science Theater stuff in particular.

All this is coming to mind because I've got other stuff I'd like to get on with, and I'm sure whatever audience I've got here would like to see me get on with it as well.

So yeah, I'm going to get on with cleaning up around here a bit, and maybe even a little more coming too.

See you soon.

Oh, and here's that link, too.

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