Monday, July 9, 2018

Just Something To Do

Kinda why I started doing this in the first place.

Just as a way to keep myself busy when I don't have anything else to do. Having places to post and share the finished products is a plus, but I suspect there'd be a good chance of me doing something like this even if that were not the case.

I'm sure there's a bit of repetition in this post, but I'm sure I've made several like it over the years. Still, I guess it does help to do these every so often, just to take stock from time to time.

So, what do I have to take stock of right now? Well, mostly a few things to come. Entirely things to come, really.

First up, the Text Plays. I've been letting those sit for a few months now, but I'm thinking I'll be getting back to Final Fantasy 9 and Secret of Mana before too long. I really need to get back to that, because I do enjoy doing it.

Also on the list is at least one more JM Tries episode. I've been meaning to get to it for awhile now, and I may finally have a chance soon. Hopefully, that will be along in the near future, too.

Beyond that, I don't really have any solid plans to talk about at this point. We'll just have to see what else is to come. See you soon, folks!

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