Wednesday, January 26, 2022

A Few Things Planned

I haven't been posting here as much as I would have liked so far, but I do have a few things planned.

At this point, it's all backlog, and I suppose my time might be better spent by trying to get through some of it so I can post it and have it done with, but as with so much else lately, just getting some of it said somehow will more than likely help get at least some of it done.

As always, the biggest project I've got going on right now is that pair of Text Plays I've been meaning to finish for years now. While I have made a little progress on that front, I've had things going on that have made it hard to set aside a good enough chunk of time to make that happen. I'm still trying to get that done, though.

Outside of that, I've also got a photo blog about an old cookbook that's been in my parents' kitchen for as long as I can remember. I've had the pictures for it for awhile now, but have needed to get them processed. Much as it's been with the gaming, part of the reason why that hasn't happened yet is time. Another factor is that I've got 20 of them for this one post that I need to work with, which is maybe a bit much, but a longer post every now and then is a good thing.

I also need to get on with that whole MST3K thing I started a couple weeks ago. I've got some reading to do, which also takes time. That's kind of the theme here, really. More things to do than I've got time for. I guess that's a good thing in some ways, even if it doesn't always seem like it.

I've also got a few things to do videos about, but in this case, it's the subject matter that's holding me back. Most of what I have at hand is JM Tries stuff, which is the sort of thing I need to be a little more careful about than I have been lately. I'd do more talky stuff, but I really don't have much to work with on that front, as of this writing. I'm hoping to change that before long, of course, but even that's not guaranteed. We'll just have to see how things go.

Until then, see you around.

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