Thursday, May 26, 2022

A Day Off

Yesterday was a much-needed day off for me.

I have Wednesdays off from my day job, generally, but that isn't always the same as a day off, necessarily. I oftentimes still have things I might not have time to do the rest of the week. This week in particular was on where I could arrange my tasks in such a way as to have enough of them done when Wednesday rolled around that I could use the day to relax and do other things as I saw fit, and I think I was reasonably successful.

Granted, I didn't get as much done as I had wanted, but enough to be satisfied with. There's always going to be more, no matter what, I'm afraid, but that's life in general.

Part of the reason I haven't had anything new up here in so long is that I've just been exhausted from being at my day job six days a week and having other things that needed to take priority outside of that. On top of all of that, I've got a few health issues to work through as well. It's all taken quite a bit out of me in terms of time and energy.

The good news here is that I'm trying to do something about as much of it as I can. It's still going to take time to get done no matter how I go about it. Having a little real down time like this here and there is a help, but it would be better to have days like this on a more regular basis. I may yet figure out how to manage it, but it'll take time, and I'm not sure how much of that I actually have to work with.

At any rate, that's where I am now. I'm going to wrap this up for now, and hopefully have something a little more interesting up soon.

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