Thursday, August 4, 2022

Another Year Older

So I'm 45 years old now...

This last year really seems to have flown by. Another birthday has come and gone already, and I'm another year older.

At the same time, there are things that have happened since then that seem longer ago than that, too. I guess I've just been that busy in this last year.

I'd intended to have a video about some of this ready to go, but I've been busy with health and medical stuff this week, so that didn't happen. I've also got some coming up that I'll have to do a little shuffling to make happen. With any luck, I'll be able to get something like that video done in the next week or so, but we'll see.

The doctor stuff really made me realize that I'm anything but young any more. Turns out, now that I'm halfway through my 40s, I'm elegible for a colonoscopy. It's something I'm really not looking forward to, especially with the other issues I've got going on. At the same time, considering what some of those issues are. I'm sure I'll get it worked out eventually.

As I was mentioning in a previous post, I've got quite a few ideas for things to work with, and I'm hoping to get some of them done in the next year. Aside from the writing and video projects I've mentioned here and there, I've also been considering doing some sort of streaming again as well. I'm still not sure if I want to just do the “blustering fool” stuff I used to do in previous attempts at that or if I want to try to get into game streaming. Right now, it's just idle consideration, but something just might come of it.

At any rate, that's about all I've got right now. Updates to come as they do. See you soon.

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