Monday, March 27, 2023

The Old Computer Speakers

It's amazing how well these things hold up.

I've got this old pair of Labtec computer speakers that I've had for a good fifteen years that I may need to get rid of finally. They're probably from the late 1990s or early 2000s and look like something you'd see in an LGR video or one of Retail Archaeology's thrifting videos. Between their age and the fact that I can't quite remember where I got them, the fact that they don't always work when I want them to should come as no surprise.

My last day off was an instance of them not working. All I can think to do is change the batteries in them. I'll need to pick up some C size batteries to give that a shot. If it doesn't work, I'm overdue for a trip to Best Buy anyway. I'm assuming they still take that sort of thing for recycling, but I should probably check their website anyway, just to see if they have anything I might want to use as a replacement.

There's also the matter of the old batteries, as well. I suppose I could, and maybe even should, just put them in the trash, but I think the city or county has a household hazardous waste collection program that takes this sort of thing for various purposes, and I have a few things that could go into that. It's another website I'll have to check.

Anyway, I'll try to share updates as they come, should they apply.

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