Friday, October 20, 2017

Lacking In Motivation

So, lately, I've been seriously lacking in motivation with regards to this blog.

And quite a lot of other things, really, but I'll get to those shortly.

As far as this writing/blogging thing goes, I've been meaning to get on with the projects and things I've got going on right now. Of course, as it stands at present, I think part of the problem is the number of things I've got going on right now. Just for this blog alone, I've got two Text Plays going on, plus at least as many more “sign” posts to get made. The ones I've been doing about the signs I've been finding around have actually been amongst the most popular I've ever done, and I'm almost certain it's because they include pictures. Upon giving it a little thought, it's no real surprise. One thing that I remember from early on in my undergrad college years as a journalism major is that pictures do tend to be important to feature stories, which is kind of what the “sign” stories are, and the evidence is bearing that out. In fact, the last one of those I posted, coming up on two weeks ago now, has at least a third more views than anything I've posted in the last year, and closer to double, if not triple, the overall average of what I've been getting over the history of this blog.

The Secret of Mana Text Play is proving to be the most popular one of those I've ever done, as well. That could be because of the upcoming remake. In fact, I'd be surprised if it wasn't almost entirely because of that.

The above says nothing about the other projects I haven't started yet, the things I write and post exclusively for the commnunity blog section at Channel Awesome or my JM Tries vlog series. I have at least one thing pending for each of those three things.

And since getting all these hits and views and whatnot is kind of the whole reason I started doing all of this in the first place, I'd really hate to lose the momentum and audience I've got going for me right now. That means I've got to get on with this self-imposed workload, even if it's not a paying job right now.

That's another thing I've got going on right now. I still have and need my day job in order to pay for all this stuff I've got going on in my life There's some good news on that front in that my schedule has changed so that I've got more time to work on this other stuff while still making enough of an income to live on, if not much else. It's part of the reason why I'd kind of like this to go someplace, and right now, it's looking like it just might, if I do things right.

Of course, one thing I'm going to need to do with the time and money I've got is to get a few things done on my vehicle. There's some minor stuff I need to get taken care of, most notably wiper blades. There's also some hopefully not major stuff I've wanted to get checked out since I got the car a couple years ago. I'm not really sure where to go for that, but if there's a dealership for the particular make I'm driving where I live, I might just go there, since I'm not exactly sure what the issue is that I'm most concerned about right now, and I'd like to get it taken care of in as few trips as possible.

So, anyway, that's where I am right now. Once I'm more sure that my day job will look the way it has for awhile, I'll get on with more of this other stuff, and maybe even make a proper schedule for some of it.

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