Sunday, December 3, 2017

State Of The Blog: December 3, 2017

Here are a few thoughts and ideas I hope will help me get bact to posting more often again.

Gotta say, 2017 really has been a screwball year for me, especially the last half. I'd like to say there's an end in sight, but there's really not yet, which only makes things worse.

As I look back on it with a little less than a month left of the year, I guess I could see things going weird on me when I wound up on jury duty in March. It's a good thing that only lasted a month, but that's a month that kinda foretold a year of changes that hasn't ended yet. I'm really not sure when or even if I can talk publicly about the experience, so for now, at least, I'll hold off, for the most part, aside from summing up that it's kind of like going to Disney World. Glad I was given the opportunity to do it once, but now that I have, one time is plenty for me. Beyond that, I'll give it a little more time before doing a standalone post about it.

There's some other stuff that I'll acknowledge is going on but will still be holding off on for awhile yet, as well. I'd like to think there'll be a time when I can get to it, but I'm not entirely sure of if or when that might be right now, either.

That leads us to the more positive things I wanted to get to this time out. As I said before the jump, I'd kind of like to get back to posting more regularly again. I hardly expect to post like I did back in 2012 because I had time, motivation, and ideas in quantities I don't really anymore. This is not to say I'm completely out of any of those things, either, as I do seem to be able to get things ready for my usual “press time” of 8:30 AM US Central time, even if it means staying up later than I should to get it done on an all too regular basis.

On this particular night, the ideas that came to me did so while I was acting under the influence of a character I've come to call “Darth Figety”, who tends to spend quite a bit of time with other folks I know. Genreally speaking, my buddy Figety and the restlessness he brings is something of a bother, but in this case, I'm hoping the stack of ideas that came with the bout of restlessness I had tonight will be a good thing.

The thing I'm going to lead off with is actually an idea I'd meant to make a post about awhile ago and never quite got to. I've been meaning to get back to doing regular live streams on my uStream channel again, as it's actually one of the main reasons I got a webcam in the first place, along with the YouTube videos I make from time to time. Thing is, though, I need to set aside the time to do it if I want to make that happen. Right now, I'm thinking Tuesday nights, since I have Wednesdays off from my day job and will have a day to rest after, but I'll get to the details later. Hopefully not too much later, of course, because the sooner I get started on that the better.

More of the ideas I realized I could do something with came to me as I was shuffling through a box of stuff under my living room table. One was that a few years back, I did a brief series here called “Games Maybe I Should Try”, in which I mulled over trying Playstation 2 titles like Sly Cooper and the Thevius Raccoonis and Castlevania: Lament of Innocence. I still have the copies of those games that either came with the system when I bought it from an Internet buddy or I happened across later. It's about time I got around to actually trying them and giving impressions of them. In some cases, they won't be initial impressions, as I've played parts of them before, but it's been awhile.

Another thing I might be able to do something with is the stack of Channel Awesome/That Guy With The Glasses DVDs I bought back when they were still doing that sort of thing. I know I've got Kickassia, That Guy With The Glasses Volume 1, and Nostalgia Critic Reloaded for sure, and I could have sworn I had a factory-sealed copy of TGWTG Vol. 2 somewhere, as well. I remember being excited enough about this stuff when I first started buying it that I even watched the DVD of Kickassia with my grandmother after I bought it. It'll be interesting to see if I feel the same way about it after all this time, and maybe to discover why my interest waned enough to not even have opened one of the DVD cases at all.

There's also the VHS collection I've been meaning to do reviews of for years and maybe should finally get around to. I'm not saying anything will come of this particular idea, of course, because I've been talking about if for years and still have yet to make it happen. At the same time, maybe getting on with some of this other stuff will help me get on with that, as well. Just lightening my inventory a bit might help me solve a few other problems and worries I've got going on right now.

The one idea I might actually start with involves a CD I bought almost 20 years ago. It's this thing I picked up as something of a souvinere from one of the summers I worked at Mt. Rushmore when I was in college. With that in mind, I should say it's not what one might think. It's actually some music meant to help calm one's nerves, which is something that I actually kind of need, being a higher-strung person than a lot of folks might realize. It's an interesting story that I look forward to telling, and I'm sure there'll be a few people who might be interested in the music as well.

But anyway, since I've had the CD I was just talking about playing and it just finished, I think I'll wrap this up for now. There's a couple more ideas I've got, but I want to think about them a bit more before I say stuff about them. I also need to get my sleep schedule straightened out a bit, which means getting to bed in the next little bit here, while my nerves are still relatively calm and it's earlier than I've been sacking out.

So until I get a chance to do another proper post, good night, good morning, and have a nice day!

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