Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Not For Lack Of Ideas

 I'm a little behind where I thought I'd be, post-wise, by this point in the year, and it's not for lack of ideas.

I've actually had plenty lately, just at times when I wasn't in a situation where I could make proper note of them for when I was in a position to actually do something with them. These will be when I've finally gone to bed for the night, or in a brief slow periond at work when I have other things I need to deal with instead.

It's kind of a sad thing, too. Last night as I was drifting off to sleep, I had quite a few ideas that seemed like good ones, but by then I was already in bed for the night, and it would have been hard enough to get myself out of bed at the time even under more “normal” circumstances.

Worse yet, I've got fifteen, well fourteen now, posts to make in the next six weeks or so if I want to make that goal of 100 posts this year that I set back in January. I suppose I can count it as a success even if I don't make it because I did want to get my post count up over last year, and I've done that. It would just kind of suck to come this close and not make it.

But on the plus side, like I was saying there, my post count is up over last year, which is one thing I was going for, and I am making some progress on a few of the other things I said I wanted to get done around the first of the year. So even if I don't completely make all my goals, I guess I haven't entirely failed, either.

And I suppose I do have more stuff in my “slush pile” than I realize that I just need to get set to put up, so coming up with things to fill in the gaps probably won't be as hard as I think it is at the moment. Better yet, I even have an idea that I'm going to get written down for later, too. I'm sure I could get a few posts out of my old “go-to” albums for background music while I write. I'm a little surprised that wasn't as obvious to me as it seems now before I had one playing while working on this.

But, it's a little late now, so I'm going to wrap this up and head off to bed. See you soon with more, hopefully interesting, stuff soon, even if it's not to the tune of three posts a day.

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