Saturday, November 28, 2020

TEXT PLAY SIDE GAME: Final Fantasy II (Famicom 1988/PS 2003 [Origins]): Issue #028: Dangerous Monsters

Starting and ending with them.

On my way back to Mysidia from the cave, I ran into a Behemoth in the first random battle I got into. Being more familiar wth the ones in later games, I had figured this one would be more of a challenge than it was in this case. Of course, this could have just been a fluke, a bit of luck to start off with. Pretty much all the other monsters I ran into along the way were harder. Kinda hard to believe this thing was a boss fight awhile ago. Makes me think this was just a fluke.

The rest of the trip back to town was relatively uneventful.. I got stocked up on as much as was practical before going on to the Leviathan that guards the way to the Tower of Mysidia now that we have the Crystal Rod. Going in, I knew we were going to lose Leila before the end of this dungeon so she can be replaced. I just didn't remember it was when we first entered after getting swallowed. The rest of the party gives a somewhat supprised reaction, but her absence isn't mentioned on the way out, and I don't recall if she's ever seen or even brought up again. We'll see, of course, but that'll come later.

There are some good pieces of equipment found along the way, though I don't know how many of them I'll actually use. I may just sell them for the inventory space. The one that might be most worth keeping is the Terra Sword, which has an associated earth element.

We also recruit the game's Dragoon along the way. In this version, he's called Garreth, but in many other versions he's called Ricard. Not sure why the name was changed, but there you go. He'll come in handy for the plot in a bit, but first we'll need to get through the tower to get to that part.

Getting to the tower means getting out of Leviathan, and there's a ship in the mouth of the beast, which is handy. The inconvenient thing is that it's blocked by a boss called the Barrel Worm. This is as tough a fight as I had remembere the Behemoth being, but fortunately, I'd saved a few of the battle items that I'd picked up along the way, which were at least as much, if not more help than anything. I had one called Backstabber on Garreth, which casted confuse on it. That only lasted one round, but having the monster attack itself that once did more damage that round than anything the party was doing. I also had a Silk Web on Maria that slowed it down some. It's just too bad I didn't think to use it sooner than I did. The Slow status effect would have come in handier if I'd had it going sooner, and I might not have had to revive as many party members.

Either way, I managed to get through the fight, and the whole party got some good stat boosts out of it, which is a nice reward for a boss fight, I think, considering that this was a hard fight.

From there, it's off to the Tower, but that's a long dungeon, especially compared to this last one, which was really short, so we'll at least get started with that next time. It should be an interesting trip that I might have to break up to restock. But like I said, that's for next time. Until then, stay safe, have fun, keep gaming, and DFTBA.

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