Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Still Another Late Night

I really shouldn't be pulling all-nighters like this at my age, but I've had a hell of a time sleeping lately.

It can't be healthy any more. Hell, it probably wasn't healthy when I was doing it in my twenties and in college, either. The extra twenty years since then certainly don't make it any better.

Part of the problem is that I'm drinking way too much regular coffee. I've got a fairly substantial stock of the stuff on hand that I'm sure I'll go through quickly enough. Once I do, it would probably be a good idea to start switching to decaf and tea and the like. It would almost certainly help getting more and better sleep if I wasn't wired all the time.

As I'm sure a few folks have noticed, I've been a little lax in the exercise department lately, too, which I'm sure is part of the problem as well. It's kind of a feedback loop sort of thing going on there. Haven't been doing as much of that as I should, and it's left me feeling a bit too wiped out to change that. It would be nice if I could get my head into a place where I could do something about that.

There's also a stress factor that I've written about a time or two lately. Hopefully, some of that will get resolved soon, but we'll see how that goes.

I'd feel a little less bad about all this if I thought I was getting more done with my time than I actually am. I've got all three Text Plays I've had going for years now, of course, and I still intend to finish as many of them as I can. I'm also working on the Mystery Science Theater stuff, too. I've got the pile of old stuff I've mentioned a few times, plus one new one that's mostly done as well. And that's just part of it. So there's stuff to work on, both written and video, that I'd like to get on with. It's just a matter of getting myself together enough to make time for it. Hopefully, I'll be able to work that out soon. Until then, see you soon, I guess.

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